
Rožata s karamelom od naranče / Flan "rozata" with orange caramel

Tagliatelle sa šparogama / Noodles with asparagus

Njoke sa šparogama i pilećim medaljonima / Gnocchi with asparagus and chicken medallions

Njoke bez krumpira - Zelene oči / Gnocchi without potatoes - Green eyes

Torta Vernesa / Vernesa cake

Punjene polpete od piletine i gljiva / Stuffed chicken and mushroom fritters

Janjeće tripice na dalmatinski - 2 u 1 / Lamb tripe Dalmatian way - 2 in 1

Rižoto s tikvom, mladim lukom i šafranom / Squash, green onion and saffron risotto