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Punjene polpete od piletine i gljiva / Stuffed chicken and mushroom fritters |
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Znam da već imate dobre i provjerene recepte za polpete, naslijeđene i prepisane od tete, kume ili susjede... Ali ja vam preporučam i ove... oduševit će vas!!! U slast!
300 g piletine (prsa), 200 g šampinjona (poprženih kratko ), 2-3 kriške kruha (u mlijeku namočene),
3 žlice parmezana, 1 jaje, pola vezice peršina, 1 režanj bijelog luka, 2 kriške pancete, 1 žličica crvene paprike, sol, papar, brašno za uvaljati, 100 - 150 g ementalera (kockice) i ulje za prženje
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....
Stuffed chicken and mushroom fritters
I know that you already have good and proven recipes for the fritters, inherited and overwritten by aunts, godmothers or neighbors ... But I also recommend these ... you will enjoy !!! Good apetite!
300 g chicken (fillet), 200 g mushrooms (fried shortly), 2-3 slices of bread (soaked in milk),
3 tablespoons of parmesan cheese, 1 egg, half a bunch of parsley , 1 clove of garlic, 2 slices of pancetta, 1 teaspoon red paprika, salt, pepper, flour for rolling, 100-150 g of Emmental cheese (diced) and frying oil
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....
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