Njoke bez krumpira - Zelene oči / Gnocchi without potatoes - Green eyes

Njoke bez krumpira - Zelene oči / Gnocchi without potatoes - Green eyes
Njoke bez krumpira - Zelene oči / Gnocchi without potatoes - Green eyes

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Sezona je šparoga, divljih, ali i uzgojenih!
U prirodu nismo stigli, ali do dućana jesmo! Nisu kao divlje, ali mi smo oduševljeni ovim zelenim okicama!

350 ml mlijeka, 300 g brašna, 1 žlica maslaca, 1 žličica soli, 2 jaja, i još 50 g brašna za umijesiti na dasci i 150 - 200 g šparoga

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Njoke bez krumpira - Zelene oči / Gnocchi without potatoes - Green eyes


Gnocchi without potatoes - Green eyes

Gnocchi without potatoes - Green eyes

It is  an asparagus season, wild ones, but also the raised ones!
We did not reach the nature, but we find them at the store! They are not as wild ones, but we are delighted with these green eyes!

350 ml of milk, 300 g of flour, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, and 50 g of flour for knead the dough on the board and 150 - 200 g of asparagus

Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

Gnocchi without potatoes - Green eyes
