🆘Ideja za ručak/večeru- Složenac od Krumpira | Lunch/Dinner Idea- Potato & Bechamel Casserole Recipe
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🆘Ideja za ručak/večeru- Složenac od Krumpira | Lunch/Dinner Idea- Potato & Bechamel Casserole Recipe |
Sastojci / Ingredients Bešamel umak 70 grama maslaca. 40 grama brašna. 650 mililitara mlijeka. 1 žličica soli. Pola žličice papra. Pola žličice muškatnog oraščića. Kalup za tortu (24 centimetra). 800 do 900 grama krumpira. Jedna i pol žličica soli. 3 žlice biljnog ulja. 250 grama polutvrdog sira. 160 grama šunke. 20 grama maslaca. 50 grama naribanog parmezana. ______________________________________ Béchamel sauce 70 grams of butter. 40 grams of flour. 650 milliliters of milk. 1 teaspoon salt. Half a teaspoon of pepper. Half a teaspoon of nutmeg. Cake mold (24 centimeters). 800 to 900 grams of potatoes. One and a half teaspoons of salt. 3 tablespoons vegetable oil. 250 grams of semi-hard cheese. 160 grams of ham. 20 grams of butter. 50 grams of grated parmesan.
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