Kupus - riža - meso - Rustikalno ukusno jelo / Cabbage -rice -meat - Rustic tasty lunch

Kupus - riža - meso - Rustikalno ukusno jelo / Cabbage -rice -meat - Rustic tasty lunch
Kupus - riža - meso - Rustikalno ukusno jelo / Cabbage -rice -meat - Rustic tasty lunch

Izuzetno lijepo i ukusno, ljetno jelo.

Extremely nice and tasty, summer meal.

Kupus - riža - meso - Rustikalno ukusno jelo / Cabbage -rice -meat - Rustic tasty lunch


- 140 gr luka / 140 gr of onions
- 1 režanj češnjaka / 1 clove of garlic
- 4 žlice biljnog ulja / 4 tbsp of vegetable oil
- 1 list lovora / bay leaf
- 200 gr mljevene junetine / 200 gr of ground beef
- 100 gr mrkve / 100 gr of carrots
- 300 gr rajčice / 300 gr of tomatoes
- 1 žličice čili paprike / 1 tsp of chilli pepper
- 1/2 žlice kajenski papar / 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper
- 1/3 žličice papra / 1/3 tsp of pepper
- 1 žlice crvene slatke paprike / 1 tbsp sweet red pepper
- 2 žličice soli / 2 tsp of salt
- 600-700 gr bijelog kupusa / 600-700 gr of cabbage
- 200 ml tople vode / 200 ml of lukewarm water
- 100 gr riže / 100 gr of rice
- 10 gr peršina / 10 gr of parsley

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ...

Kupus - riža - meso - Rustikalno ukusno jelo / Cabbage -rice -meat - Rustic tasty lunch
