Tikvice punjene gljivama / Zucchini stuffed with mushrooms

Tikvice punjene gljivama / Zucchini stuffed with mushrooms
Tikvice punjene gljivama / Zucchini stuffed with mushrooms

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Delicija! Šampinjoni, panceta, sir, luk, vlasac... sve to je u nadjevu!
Okus koji će vas natjerati da ih želite jesti svaki dan. Uživajte!

Tikvice punjene gljivama / Zucchini stuffed with mushrooms

3 tikvice srednje velike, 300 g šampinjona, 1 glavica luka, manja ili 4 struka mladog luka, 3 žlice parmezana, 70 g pancete, 100 g ementalera na kockice, 2 žlice vlasca, 1 dl maslinovog ulja, sol, papar

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Tikvice punjene gljivama / Zucchini stuffed with mushrooms


Zucchini stuffed with mushrooms

Zucchini stuffed with mushrooms

Delicacy! Champignons, bacon, cheese, onions, chives ... everything is in the fill!
The taste that will make you want to eat them every day. Enjoy!

Zucchini stuffed with mushrooms

3 medium sized zucchini, 300 g of mushrooms, 1 onion or 4 green onions, 3 tablespoons of parmesan, 
70 g of bacon, 100 g of ementaler cheese cut into cubes, 2 tablespoons of chives, 1 dl of olive oil, salt, pepper

Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

Zucchini stuffed with mushrooms
