Đuveč za zimu / Vegetables for the winter

Đuveč za zimu
Đuveč za zimu
Scroll down for recipe in English...

Kad bi moja mama otvorila limenku đuveča i samo ga dodala na skuhanu rižu i prženu ili pečenu svinjetinu, to bi bilo slavlje i gozba ravna Božiću! A zamislite naše veselje i radost, kad je nakon višegodišnje potrage došla do recepta i kad ju je teta Reza poučila i ukazala na bitne detalje u pripremi. Ne možete to ni zamisliti u ovom izobilju i današnjoj ponudi u marketima... Đuveč je ostao u sjećanju kao najdraža igračka bez koje se ne ostaje i koju se ne mijenja ni za kakvu novu i drugačiju...

2 kg paprika žutih, 1 kg crvenih, 2-3 kg rajčica, 1 kg crvenog luka, 1 kg mrkve, 1 kg patlidžana, 500 g zelene mahune, 4 - 5 dl ulja, sol, papar u zrnu i 2-3 lista lovora

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...

Povrće oprati, osušiti i narezati na komade jednake veličine. Luk na krupnije komade, mrkvu na kolutiće, 
mahune na komadiće oko 2 cm duge. Patlidžane i paprike na kockice ne veće od 2x2cm...
U dubljoj i većoj posudi ugrijati ulje i popržiti luk. Kad zastakli dodati mrkvu i pirjati ... pržiti 10 -ak min. 
Dodati paprike, miješati i pržiti 3 - 4 min, dodati i mahune i njih pirjati još nekoliko min...
Dodati patlidžane, začine... posoliti i samo još 4 - 5 min pirjati ... Miješati i dodati oguljene i narezane rajčice.
Pirjati još 3-4 min i maknuti s vatre!
Pećnica je već ugrijana na 120°C. Staklenke čiste i spremne za punjenje. Napuniti ih do ruba ispod dijela s navojima. Uzeti dublju posudu koja može u pećnicu i na dno staviti krpu, složiti napunjene staklenke, zatvoriti ih odgovarajućim poklopcima. Uliti vruće vode malo iznad pola visine boca... ili više ako je moguće.
Posudu staviti u pećnicu i sterilizacija može početi!
Neke će možda i zbuniti ovaj naziv za proces koji se u narodu zove pasterizacija! To je zapravo ista stvar samo je razlika u temperaturi. Pasterizacija se radi na 90°C i odnosi se na voće i mlijeko...
Nakon 40 - 45 min sve je gotovo i naš đuveč ide van na hlađenje u tami! Pokrijem ga kao i moja mama nekom debljom plahtom ili dekom, kao što je rekla teta Reza, dok se ne ohladi!
Uh kad će ta zima!

Đuveč za zimu


Vegetables for the winter

Vegetables for the winter

When my mother opened a can of casseroles and just add it to the cooked rice and fried or roast pork , it would be a celebration and banquet flat Christmas ! And imagine our delight and joy , when after years of searching came to the recipe and when her aunt Reza taught and demonstrated the important details in preparation . You can not even imagine in this abundant and today's offer in supermarkets ... Đuveč remained in your memory as a favorite toy that must remain and that does not change for any new and different ...

Ingredients :
2 kg of yellow pepper , 1 kg of red , 2-3 kg of tomatoes , 1 kg onion , 1 kg of carrots , 1 kg of eggplant , 500 g green beans , 4-5 dl oil , salt , peppercorns and bay leaves 2-3 

The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...

Vegetable wash, dry and cut into pieces of equal size . Onions on bigger pieces , the carrots into rings , green beans into pieces about 2 cm long . Eggplants and peppers into cubes no larger than 2x2cm ... In deeper and larger pan heat the oil and fry the onion . When fried add the carrots and simmer... fry 10 -odd minutes . Add paprika , mix and fry 3 to 4 minutes , add the beans and simmer them for a few minutes ...Add eggplant , salt and spices ... just 4-5 min simmer ... Mix and add the peeled and sliced ​​tomatoes . Simmer for another 3-4 minutes and remove from heat ! The oven is preheated to 120 ° C . Jars clean and ready for filling . Fill them to the edge below the threaded sections . Take a deep pot , which can be in the oven and on the bottom put a cloth , put together filled jars , close them with appropriate covers . Pour the hot water a little over half the height of the jar ... or more if possible . Container placed in an oven and sterilization can begin !
Some might even confuse this term for a process that is popularly called pasteurization ! This is actually the same thing only the difference in temperature. Pasteurisation is done at 90 ° C and relates to a fruit and milk ... After 40-45 minutes it's all over and our stew goes out to the cooling in the dark ! Cover it as my mother with a thick sheet or blanket , and like said aunt Reza , until cool ! 
Uh I can not wait the winter!
Vegetables for the winter
