Knedle od šljiva / Plum dumplings

Kad bih morala izdvojiti samo jednu stvar ili razlog zašto volim jesen , bile bi to knedle od šljiva! Istina , mogu se raditi i u svako drugo doba ...ali ove jesenje su posebne i zato su danas, po ne znam koji put , mirisom preplavile našu kuhinju i dom...I vašu će sutra , znam da ih želite još jednom!
If I had to single out one thing or the reason why I love the autumn , would be the plum dumplings ! The truth is that they can be done and in any other time ... but this autumn are special and so today , after the umpteenth time , the smell flooded our kitchen and home ... And your tomorrow , I know that you want them once again !

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