Umak od sira / Cheese Sauce

Umak od sira
Umak od sira

Scroll down for recipe in English...

Umak koji će biti vaš as iz rukava u dane kad vam se baš ne da provesti sate u kuhinji. Vrlo je ukusan i jednostavan... Ja sam ga radila od samo jedne vrste sira, ali je još bolji od nekoliko različitih, pogotovo ako imate ostatke i krajeve u hladnjaku, ovo je način kako ih iskoristiti!

150-200 g sira, 150 - 200 ml vrhnja, 150 ml mlijeka, 2-3 lista kadulje, po mogućnosti svježe, žličica soli, 1 žličica meda, 1 žličica maslaca

Postupak pripreme  pogledajte u našem video receptu...

Mlijeko, vrhnje, maslac, kadulju i papar prokuhati. Sir izribati na krupnijoj strani ribeža. Prokuhalo mlijeko maknuti s vatre i procijediti. Dodati ribani sir i miješati ... Polako običnom žlicom... Miješati dok se potpuno ne otopi. Mora biti prilično gusto, ali ne previše gusto... Ako treba, dodati još malo vrelog mlijeka, umiješati med i sol...
Ako je bilo pretvrdih dijelova sira procijedite da se ne vide nikakve mrvice.
Umak uliti u staklenku i čuvati u hladnjaku... Može trajati i više dana... 7-10!
Probate li, znam da više nikad nećete raditi ni jedan drugi, ali ni kupiti onaj industrijski...

Umak od sira


Cheese Sauce

Cheese Sauce

The sauce that will be your ace in the hole in the days when you do not feel like spending hours in the kitchen . It is very tasty and easy ... I made it from only one type of cheese , but it is still better than a number of different , especially if you have remnants of cheese in the fridge , this is how you use them !

Ingredients :
150-200 g of cheese , 150 - 200 ml cream , 150 ml milk , 2-3 leaves of sage , preferably fresh , teaspoon salt , 1 teaspoon honey , 1 teaspoon butter 

The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...

Milk , cream, butter , sage and pepper boil . Scrub cheese on large- side grater . Boiled milk remove from heat and strain . Add grated cheese and mix ... Take it easy with a simple spoon ... Stir until completely dissolved . It must be quite thick , but not too thick ... If necessary , add a little hot milk , mix honey and salt ... If it was really hard parts of cheese strain that... can not be seen any crumbs .
The sauce pour into a glass jar and keep in the refrigerator ... It can take several days ... 7-10 ! 
If you try it, I know you will never make any other, you will not buy the industrial ...

Cheese Sauce
