Pileći filet s nadjevom / Stuffed chicken fillet

Pileći filet s nadjevom
Pileći filet s nadjevom

Scroll down for recipe in English...

Kako od gljiva i pilećih prsa napraviti svečano i posebno jelo... Moja obitelj i ja danas smo uživali u ovom jelu. 
Možda će i vama prijati!

2 komada pilećih prsa, 200-300 g smeđih šampinjona, 2 - 3 ljutike, 4 žlice brendija, 2 - 2,5 dl vrhnja za kuhanje, 
2 dl juhe, sol, papar, maslac, ulje, sok pola limuna, timjan ( svježi ili suhi )...


Usitniti ljutiku i popržiti je na mješavini maslaca i ulja. Dodati narezane gljive i pržiti 4-5 min, uliti brendy ... potom vrhnje, posoliti, popapriti i dodati timjan. Kad se ukuha i postane gusto maknuti s vatre.

Pileći filet s nadjevom

Filete zarezati kao džep, posoliti i napuniti nadjevom. Preklopiti i omotati nauljenom folijom kao kobasicu...
Stegnuti da se ne odmota. Peći u nauljenoj posudi s malo juhe u zagrijanoj pećnici 20 min na 220°C.
Izvaditi i skinuti foliju i za lijepu boju kratko popržiti na vrućoj tavi sa svih strana...
U preostali nadjev od gljiva dodati preostalo vrhnje, juhu , prokuhati. Samljeti štapnim mikserom.
Dodati sok limuna i dobivenim umakom preliti skuhane makarone ili tjesteninu po izboru.
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...


Stuffed chicken fillet

Stuffed chicken fillet

How to cook a chicken breast and mushrooms that are festive and special food ... My family and I have enjoyed this meal . You might as well and you enjoy the same !

Ingredients : 
2 chicken breasts , 200-300 g brown mushrooms , 2-3 shallots , 4 tablespoons of brandy , 2 to 2.5 dl cooking cream , 2 dl of broth , salt , pepper , butter , oil , juice of half a lemon , thyme ( fresh or dried ) ...

Chop shallots and fry them on the mixture of butter and oil . Add sliced ​​mushrooms and fry for 4-5 minutes , pour the brandy ... then the cream , salt, pepper and add thyme . When it becomes thick enough  remove from the heat .

Stuffed chicken fillet

Fillets notch as pocket , salt and fill with stuffing . Switch and wrap oiled foil as sausage ... Tighten not to unwrap . Bake in an oiled pan with a little broth in the preheated oven for 20 minutes at 220 ° C .
Pull out and remove the foil and for the nice color short fry in the hot pan on all sides ...
To the remaining stuffing of mushrooms add the remaining cream , soup and boil . Grind blender .
Add lemon juice and pour the sauce obtained cooked macaroni or pasta of your choice .
The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...
