Teletina - Sutra opet - Juicy veal, cauliflower and rice

Teletina  - Sutra opet
Teletina  - Sutra opet 

Nije se činilo da ću danas za ručak imati nešto posebno zanimljivo ili drugačije od obične pirjane teletine s dodatkom karfiola na lešo. Ali... ali prste smo polizali i zadnje zrno riže sa ovala skupili! Ovo morate probati!
Teletina  - Sutra opet

Scroll down for recipe in English...
komad telećeg flama ( trbušina), 1/2 tikvice, 1 mrkva, 1 karfiol, riža, 2-3 ljutike ili obični luk, 2 - 3 kriške dimljene pancete, 1 najmanja žličica šećera, 1 žlica maslaca, sol i ulje.

Dobro ugrijati teflon tavu i nekoliko žlica ulja. Meso posoliti i naglo zapeći sa svih strana na jakoj vatri. Kad dobije lijepu boju početi pirjati ... Dolijevati po malo ( oko 1 - 1, 5 dl) vode i to svaki put kad prethodna ispari.
Ponavljati to sve dok meso ne postane mekano, naravno poklopljeno cijelo vrijeme.
Na kraju ne pustiti da sve ispari ... Mora ostati dovoljno umaka predivne boje i prirodnog i čistog okusa mesa!

Teletina  - Sutra opet

Za prilog skuhati rižu u slanoj vodi, kako piše na uputi proizvođača ili kako inače kuhate za prilog. Na kraju umiješati maslac u količini koju želite.
Karfiol razdvojiti na cvjetove i još svaki rezati na kriške. Na nekoliko žlica ulja popržiti usitnjenu pancetu i dodati ljutiku ili luk... Kad zazlati dodati karfiol i šećer... Pržiti na srednje jakoj vatri bez dodavanja tekućine... 
Neka se fino karamelizira. Posoliti i dodati mrkvu na kockice... Pred kraj i kockice tikvice, više zbog boje nego okusa. Nakon desetak min je sve smiju se raspasti cvjetovi ...povrće neka bude malo hrskavo! 

Teletina  - Sutra opet

Vidjet će te kako je baš to ono nešto posebno u ovoj priči... Složiti na oval rižu, a preko sloj prženog karfiola. Meso narezati i posložiti po vrhu i okolo dodati onaj savršeni umak od pečenja!  
Pogledajte i video recept...

I to je to...navalite!

Teletina  - Sutra opet


Juicy veal, cauliflower and rice

It did not seem that I'd be for lunch have something particularly interesting or different from ordinary sauteed veal with the addition of boiled cauliflower. But ... we licked  fingers and the last grain of rice from plate gathered ! You should try this !
Juicy veal, cauliflower and rice
Juicy veal, cauliflower and rice

Ingredients :
a piece of veal Flame ( belly ) , 1/2 zucchini , 1 carrot , 1 cauliflower , rice , 2-3 shallots or ordinary onions, 2-3 slices of smoked bacon , 1 teaspoon sugar smallest , 1 tablespoon butter , salt and oil .
Good warm Teflon frying pan and a few tablespoons of oil . Salt the meat and bake heavily from all sides over high heat . When you get a nice color begin to simmer ... refuel at a time (about 1-1 , 5 dl ) of water every time previous to evaporate. Repeat this until the meat becomes soft , of course , cover all the time . In the end, do not let it all evaporate ... It must be enough sauce beautiful color and natural and pure taste of meat !
Juicy veal, cauliflower and rice

As a side dish cook the rice in salted water , as it says on the instructions of the manufacturer... Finally mix in the butter in the quantity you want . Cauliflower separate into flowers and each cut into slices . On a few tablespoons of oil fry the chopped bacon and add the shallots or onions ... When gets golden colour add cauliflower and sugar ... Fry over medium heat without adding liquid ...Must be caramelized . Season with salt and add the carrots into cubes ... At the end add the zucchini cubes , more for color than taste . After ten minutes it's all over ... must not crumble flowers ... vegetables should be slightly crunchy !
Juicy veal, cauliflower and rice

Serve on a plate  rice and fried cauliflower over. Meat slice and arrange on the top and around add the perfect sauce ! 

See the video recipe ... 

And that's it ... enjoy!
Juicy veal, cauliflower and rice
