Vasina torta / Sons cake

Vasina torta / Sons cake
Vasina torta / Sons cake

Scroll down for recipe in English...

Kad punica voli zeta, ona to pokazuje ugađajući mu na razne načine, a najčešće lijepim jelima i posebno osmišljenim slasticama, poput ove predivne torte iz prošlog stoljeća...

Sastojci za biskvit: 
6 žutanjaka, 6 žlica šećera, 1 žlica brašna, 7 žlica mljevenih oraha, snijeg od 6 bjelanjaka.
Za kremu:
5 žutanjaka, 5 žlica šećera, 100 g čokolade za kuhanje, 200 g oraha, 3 dl mlijeka,1 žlica šećera, 200 g maslaca, sok i kora jedne naranče.
Krema od bjelanjka: 
250 g šećera, 2 žlice vode, 5 bjelanjaka.

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu... 

Istući čvrst snijeg od bjelanjaka i postupno dodati 3 žlice šećera. Miksati još 1 min... Posebno istući u pjenastu i svijetlu kremu žutanjke i 3 žlice šećera. Umiješati brašno, orahe i snijeg bjelanjaka. Izliti u pripremljen oblik za pečenje i peći 25 - 30 min na 170°C. Kalup je promjera 28 cm.

Za kremu staviti mlijeko da prokuha i dodati žlicu šećera. U vrelo dodati mljevene orahe. Ohladiti. Od žutanjaka i šećera istući pjenastu kremu i kuhati na pari 5-6 min ... 

Dodati čokoladu i maknuti kad se otopi. Ohladiti. Pjenasto istući maslac i umiješati s kremom od žutanjaka, korom i sokom naranče. Umiješati poparene orahe i sve dobro mikserom zapjeniti. Na hladan biskvit rasporediti kremu.
U lončić staviti šećer i 2 žlice vode i kuhati do vrenja... miješati cijelo vrijeme. 

Istovremeno istući čvrst snijeg od bjelanjaka i kad se šećer sasvim otopi i postane staklasto gusta tekućina, uliti ga u bjelanjak i brzo umiksati. Nastaviti miksati sve dok se skoro ne ohladi. Hladnim premazati i prekriti tortu. Ukrasiti po želji. Ja volim ovako ... malo krupno sjeckanih oraha uz rub i gore arancinima... 
Uživat će te u njoj u svakom slučaju!

           Vasina torta / Sons cake


Sons cake

Vasina torta / Sons cake

When the mother-in-law loves daughter's husband, she shows him indulging in various ways, but most often with beautiful dishes and desserts specially designed, like this beautiful cake from the last century ...

Ingredients for the biscuit: 
6 egg yolks, 6 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon flour, 7 tablespoon ground walnuts, snow of 6 egg whites. 
For the cream: 
5 egg yolks, 5 tablespoons of sugar, 100 grams of dark chocolate, 200 g of walnuts, 3 dl milk, 1 tablespoon sugar, 200 g butter, juice and rind of one orange. 
The cream of egg white: 
250 g sugar, 2 tablespoons water, 5 egg whites. 

The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...

Beat sturdy egg whites and gradually add 3 tablespoons sugar. Mix for 1 minute ... Special beaten into a foamy and light cream egg yolk and 3 tablespoons sugar. Stir flour, nuts and egg whites snow. Pour into prepared baking form and bake 25 - 30 minutes at 170 ° C. The mold has a diameter of 28 cm. 
For the cream: Put the milk to boil and add a tablespoon of sugar. In boiling add the ground walnuts. Cool down. From egg yolks and sugar beat frothy cream and cook steamed 5-6 min ...Add the chocolate and remove when dissolved. Cool down. Foamy beat the butter and mix with the cream of egg yolks, orange zest and juice. Pour mix in the walnuts and mix everything well. On a cold biscuit spread cream. 
In a pot put sugar and 2 tablespoons of water and cook until boiling ... mix all the time. 
At the same time sturdy beat egg whites. When the sugar is completely dissolved and became glassy thick liquid, pour it into the egg whites and mix quickly. Continue to mix until almost cold.With cold greased and covered cake. Garnish as desired. I love this ... a little coarse chopped walnuts the edge and up arancini ... You'll enjoy it anyway!

Vasina torta / Sons cake
