Etno keksi / Lace cookies

Etno keksi /  Lace cookies
Etno keksi /  Lace cookies

Sviđa vam se ovaj etno-čipkasti uzorak?! I meni se jako dopada...
Nije ovo ništa novo, ne bar meni jer sam ovako nešto već radila, ali u keramici, na jednom kratkom tečaju, što je bila isto tako moja velika ljubav i nikad ostvareni san...
Evo nadoknadila sam bar dio i zauvijek ostavila trag u ovim predivnim keksićima.
Do you like this ethno-lace pattern?! I really like it ... This is nothing new, at least not for me because something like this I have already done, on ceramics, on a short course, which was also my great love and a dream that did not come true ... Here I made up for it and forever left its mark on these beautiful cookies.

200 g brašna, 200 g gustina, 180 g šećera, 200 g masla, pola pecilnog praška, 1 jaje i onoliko mlijeka koliko treba da se dobije fino meko tijesto, 3 zrna soli, šećer u prahu, boja za kolače, 3 žlice maraskina, može i obična rakija

Pogledajte i video recept...

Utrljati maslac i brašno ...Jaje i šećer pjenasto umutiti mikserom i dodati. Dodati i sve preostale sastojke i umijesiti tijesto.
200 g of flour, 200 g of density, 180 g sugar, 200 g butter, a teaspoon of baking powder, 1 egg and as much milk as needed to get the fine soft dough, 3 grains of salt, powdered sugar, color for cake, 3 tablespoons maraschino , can an ordinary brandy
See the video recipe ...

Rub the butter and flour ... Egg and sugar foam whisk mixer and add. Add all remaining ingredients and knead the dough.

Razvući na pek papiru oko 5 mm debelo i staviti preko odabrani kukičani uzorak, preći lagano valjkom...
Extend on the baking paper about 5 mm thick and placed over selected lace pattern, move slowly with roller ...

Vaditi modlicom oblike - kekse . Slagati na lim s pek papirom i ostaviti u hladnjak, najbolje u zamrzivač 10-ak min.Tako poluledene staviti u zagrijanu pećnicu i peći 10 min na 170°C. Moraju ostati potpuno bijeli.
Rehearsing with modl round shape - biscuits. Put them on a baking tray with baking paper and leave in the refrigerator, preferably in the freezer for 10 minutes. Chilled place in a heated oven and bake for 10 minutes at 170 ° C. They must remain completely white.

Tople provući kroz prah šećer, po ukusu pomiješan s jednom šećer vanilijom ...
Boju za kolače razblažiti s nekoliko žlica maraskina ili rakije ...malim kistom premazati površinu i provući kroz prah šećer...
Warm pull through icing sugar, to taste mixed with one sugar vanilla ... Color cake diluted with a few tablespoons maraschino or brandy ... with a small brush coated surface and pull through icing sugar ...


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