Delimani torta od sira / Simple cheesecake

Kad želim razveseliti neke važne osobe u mom životu onda je ova torta garancija da ću u tome uspjeti...Zeleni sirup od mente sam probala tek prošle godine i od tada je neizostavan, a pokupila sam ga od čudesnog Rudolfa Van Veen-a...Probajte, ako niste do sada!

When you want to cheer up some important persons in your life then this cake guarantee that you will succeed ... Green mint syrup I tasted only last year and has been indispensable since then,  picked it from miraculous Rudolph Van Veen 's .. . Try , if you have not !


150 g keksa s maslacem kao petit beurre ili bilo koji sličan, 150 g grancereale keksa, 150 g maslaca  

150 g of biscuits with butter as petit beurre or any similar , 150 g Grancereale biscuits , 150 g butter


500 g kremastog svježeg sira, 1 čvrsti jogurt ili kiselo vrhnje, po ukusu, 4 jaja, 2 žlice škrobnog brašna, 190 g šećera, sok od pola limuna 

500 g of fresh cream cheese , 1 yoghurt or sour cream , to taste , 4 eggs , 2 tablespoons cornstarch , 190 g sugar , juice of half a lemon


500 ml vrhnja za šlag, 1 šećer vanilija, sok pola limuna, pistacije za posuti, vezica mente i 100 g šećera za zeleni sirup

To decorate :
500 ml heavy cream , 1 vanilla sugar , juice of half a lemon , pistachio to sprinkle , sprig of mint and 100 g of sugar for green syrup


Samljeti keks, izmiješati s maslacem i utisnuti na dno kalupa. ..ja stavim papir i koristim kalup promjera 28 cm jer volim da je malo niža...
Odvojiti žumanca i bjelanca, miksati bjelanca u čvrst snijeg i dodati pola količine šećera...
Miksati žumanca s preostalim šećerom i dodati sir protisnut kroz gusto cijedilo ako nije jako kremast...
Dodati i jogurt, škrobno brašno, sok limuna i na kraju snijeg umiješati ručno...

Grind cookies, mix with the butter and toss to the bottom of the mold . ..I put paper and use a mold with a diameter of 28 cm , because I like to be a little lower ... Separate egg yolks and egg whites , mix the egg whites into stiff and add half the amount of sugar ... Mix the egg yolks with the remaining sugar and add the cheese squeezed through a thick strainer if not very creamy ... Add the yogurt , cornstarch , lemon juice and finally snow mix by hand ...

Izliti na podlogu od keksa. 

Pour on the surface of the cookies .


Peći u banja mariji - u posudi s vodom, oko pola sata na 170 -180°C, ovisno o pećnici.
Hladnu tortu izvaditi iz kalupa, oprezno prebaciti na oval . 
Nanijeti šlag...ja to volim žlicom ... volim da je kao malo rub rasporedim usitnjene pistacije...

Bake in Bath Mary - in a bucket of water , about half an hour at 170 -180 ° C , depending on the oven . The cooled cake out of the mold , carefully transfer to a plate . Apply the cream with a spoon ... ... like that as a little messy ... the edges deploy the chopped pistachios ...



Popariti ili kratko prokuhati listove mente i naglo ih ohladiti pa štapnim mikserom skašit s prokuhanom vodom i šećerom...koji se kuhaju dok ne postane staklasto, ohladi i tek tada miksa...da bi se dobio dobar i zeleniji sirup mikser mora biti prilično jak ...

Boil briefly leaves of mint and rapidly cool ...Then blended with boiled water and sugar ... which is boiled until it becomes glassy , cool and only then mix ... to give a good and greener syrup mixer must be pretty strong ...


  1. Odgovori
    1. Vi Marija ste naša vjerna i odana pratiteljica...ali znate da je torta savršena...hvala vam!


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