Savršeni rižoto od vrganja / Perfect risotto with boletus mushrooms

Savršeni rižoto od vrganja  / Perfect risotto with boletus mushrooms
Savršeni rižoto od vrganja  / Perfect risotto with boletus mushrooms

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Kako da vam pomognem da napravite rižoto kojeg biste i sutra željeli imati na stolu!
Od svega je najvažniji savjet - ugasiti rižoto kad je al dente! Umiješati maslac, sir i ostaviti par min! Uživajte!

300 g riže ( carnaroli ili arborio ), 300 g vrganja, 50 g namočenih suhih šampinjona... recept za suhe vrganje je tu... , 100 g ljutike, oko 100 g maslaca ( za sve ), vezica svježeg timjana, 50 g naribanog parmezana, 1,5 dl bijelog vina, 2 režnja bijelog luka, sol, papar, maslinovo ulje... i još 250 - 300 ml pileće juhe
i 150 - 200 g vode od namakanja gljiva ili juhe koliko treba...

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....

Savršeni rižoto od vrganja  / Perfect risotto with boletus mushrooms


Perfect risotto with boletus mushrooms

Perfect risotto with boletus mushrooms

How can I help you to make a risotto that you would like tomorrow to have on the lunch table!
Of all the most important advice - remove the risotto from the heat when it is al dente! Mix butter, cheese and leave a couple of mins! Enjoy!

300 g of rice (carnaroli or arborio), 300 g of boletus mushrooms, 50 g of dried champignons the  recipe is here ... , 100 g of shallots, about 100 g of butter ( for all ),
fresh thyme, 50 g of grated parmesan cheese, 1.5 dl of white wine, 2 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil ... and 250 to 300 ml of chicken soup and 150 - 200 g of water from mushroom or soup 
( water ) as much as needed ...

Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

Perfect risotto with boletus mushrooms
