Savršen kruh / Perfect bread |
Otkrit ću vam tajnu mog savršenog kruha! Nakon što sam uporno zanemarivala jedan sastojak, odlučila sam dodati ga, baš onako kako stoji u tom receptu i ... savršen kruh je toga jutra bio u mom zagrljaju!
1 kg brašna ( od toga 300 g integralnog ), 3/4 kocke kvasca ili 1 žlica suhog, 1 žlica šećera, sol, 1 žlica octa,
5-6 žlica ulja, 6 dl tople vode.
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
__________________ Perfect bread
Perfect bread |
I will reveal the secret of my perfect bread! After I completely ignored one ingredient, I decided to add it, exactly as it appears in the recipe and ... perfect bread that morning was in my arms!
Ingredients: 1 kg of flour (of which 300 g of whole wheat), 3/4 cube of yeast or 1 teaspoon dried, 1 tablespoon sugar, salt
1 tablespoon vinegar, 5-6 tablespoon oil, 6 dl hot water. The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...
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