Patlidžan smotanci / Eggplant rolls

Patlidžan smotanci
Patlidžan smotanci
Scroll down for recipe in English...

Danas zaista nisam znala što za ručak, ali ni vremena za razmišljanje nisam imala previše. I kao iz inata vremenu i kaznu samoj sebi, odlučujem se za ono što niti ne znam hoće li na vrijeme biti gotovo, ni hoće li uopće biti jestivo... Kako je ispalo? Pogledajte!

2 patlidžana ( najduža moguća), četvrtasta šunka ( finije se slaže ), četvrtasta mozzarella, vezica svježeg bosiljka, sol, rajčice, luk, parmezan i maslinovo ulje

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu... 

Patlidžane narezati na kriške debele oko 5 mm... Posoliti, premazati uljem i složiti u veliki lim, prekriven pek papirom. Peći na najjačoj temperaturi u dobro zagrijanoj pećnici ne više od 7-8 min. Dovoljno je da samo omekšaju.
Za umak narezati crveni luk i zažutiti na ulju. Dodati usitnjene, oguljene i ocijeđene rajčice. Pržiti 15 - 20 min... Po ukusu dio samljeti štapnim mikserom . Posoliti.
Na svaku krišku staviti po žlicu umaka, 2 kriške mozzarelle i krišku šunke. Natrgati listiće bosiljka i svinuti, počevši od užeg dijela kriške prema širem. Kraj učvrstiti štapićem ili čačkalicom. U posudu za pečenje staviti na dno šalšu - umak i poredati smotance. Posuti svaki s malo ribanog parmezana i staviti u dobro zagrijanu pećnicu. Peći 12 -15 min ... samo da se sir otopi!
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Patlidžan smotanci


 Eggplant rolls

 Eggplant rolls

Today really did not know what for lunch , and no time to think . And just out of spite -time and a penalty to myself , I decide on what I've never cooked , and whether it will be edible at all ...
How it turned out ? Look !
Ingredients :
2 eggplants ( the longest possible) , square ham ( finer and more easily rolled up ) , square mozzarella , fresh basil sprig , salt , tomato , onion , parmesan and olive oil

The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...

Eggplant cut into slices about 5 mm thick ... Add salt , smear oil and place in a large baking dish , covered with baking paper . Bake on the strongest temperature in a well- heated oven for no more than 7-8 minutes . It is enough to soften .
For the sauce sliced ​​onion and fry it in oil . Add chopped , peeled and drained tomatoes . Fry 15-20 min ... Part grind blender . Salt. On each slice of eggplant put the spoon of sauce , 2 slices of mozzarella and a slice of ham , basil leaves and roll , starting from the inner part of the slices toward wider . End strengthened with a stick or toothpick . In a baking dish put on the bottom salsa - tomato sauce and sort rolls .
Sprinkle each with a little grated Parmesan cheese and place in preheated oven. Bake 12  to 15 minutes ... just cheese melts ! To supplement or reinforce lunch or to taste of some family members who think they will be hungry of these dishes , add the spaghetti !

 Eggplant rolls
