Rižot s ciklom / Risotto with beetroot

Rižot s ciklom
Rižot s ciklom
Scroll down for recipe in English...

Koliko volim meso, ribu... rižu i sva jela na toj osnovi, a rižote iznad svega. Ali rižota s povrćem su mi veliki izazovi i vječna inspiracija. Evo jedan neobičan ali predivan ... u pink boji! Ne, ne želim se i neću previše truditi, jer teško da ću vas uvjeriti kako je ovo nešto najbolje od povrća. I sama sam bila nepovjerljiva - prema cikli još na kvadrat! Ipak probajte!


2-3 veće cikle ili nekoliko manjih, 1 glavica češnjaka, grančica ili listići ružmarina, 1 limun, maslinovo ulje, sol.
Za rižot: 
1 glavica crvenog luka, riža ( 1šalica od kave po osobi ), 1 mala mozzarela, 1 žlica maslaca, 2 dl bijelog vina, pileća juha ili voda s kockom, svježe mljeveni papar

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...

Ciklu oprati i ako je veća rezati na pola i rezanom stranom prema dolje složiti u nauljenu posudu za pečenje. Posoliti, dodati češnjak u komadu, pokriti folijom i staviti u pećnicu prethodno ugrijanu. Peći na 220 - 250°C oko pola sata. Izvaditi, maknuti foliju, okrenuti ciklu, dodati kriške limuna i nauljiti još malo. Vratiti u pećnicu još 15-20 min. Toplu očistiti od kožice i narezati na kriške i kockice ...
Na ulju pržiti usitnjeni luk, dodati rižu i kad zastakli zaliti vinom. Vino mora potpuno ispariti i početi zalijevati vrelom juhom. Činiti to svaki put kad se prethodna ukuha. Dodavati po malo i stalno miješati. 
Soliti i papriti svježe mljevenim paprom. Dodati kremu od pečenog češnjaka, samo jedan češanj! 
Ostatak spremiti za drugi put i to u ulju! 
U već kremastu rižu dodati maslac i mozzarelu...snažno umiješati ...dok se ne otopi!

Rižot s ciklom

Za pink rižoto umiješati kockice cikle !

Rižot s ciklom


Risotto with beetroot

 Risotto with beetroot

How much I love meat, fish and rice ... all the dishes on that basis, and above all risotto . But risotto with vegetables are my big challenges and eternal inspiration . Here's a strange but wonderful ... in pink !
No, I do not want and I will not try too hard , because its hard that I assure you that this is something very good . I myself have been suspicious of red beet and more cubes ! But try !

Ingredients :
2-3 large beets or several smaller , 1 head of garlic , sprigs or leaves of rosemary , 1 lemon , olive oil , salt . For the risotto : 
1 onion , rice ( 1 cup of coffee per person ), 1 small mozzarella , 1 tablespoon butter , 2 dl white wine , chicken broth or water , freshly ground pepper

The process of preparing look at our video recipe ... 

Wash beets and if the larger cut in half and cut side down place in oiled baking dish . Season with salt , add the garlic in one piece , cover with foil and place in preheated oven . Bake at 220-250 ° C for about half an hour . Remove from the oven, remove the foil , turn the beet , add slices of lemon and a little oiling . Return to oven for another 15-20 minutes . Warm cleaned of skin and cut into slices and cubes ...
In oil fry the chopped onion , add the rice and pour the wine when shines . The wine should be completely evaporated ... start watering hot soup . Every time the previous evaporate . Add a little and constantly mixed . Add salt and freshly ground pepper. 
Add the cream of roasted garlic , one clove ! 
The rest save for the second time in oil ! 
In more creamy rice add the butter and mozzarella ... strongly interfere ... until it melts !
 Risotto with beetroot

For pink risotto mix beets cubes !

 Risotto with beetroot
