Hobotnica iz pećnice / Octopus from the oven

Hobotnica iz pećnice
Hobotnica iz pećnice 
Scroll down for recipe in English...

Hobotnica nije moje omiljeno jelo, ali je spremam s jednakom strašću kao i svako drugo! Kroz svoj dugi, istraživački rad, pronašla sam i probala razne recepte za hobotnicu s krumpirima, iz pećnice ili peke...
Probala kod susjeda, prijatelja, rodbine ... u restoranima i od svih skupila najbolje i složila svoju priču! 
Dobru ili lošu, prosudite sami, a priča ide ovako....

Hobotnica teška oko 2 kg, 2 kg krumpira...ili više, 2-3 češnja češnjaka, listići ružmarina ili grančica, maslinovo ulje, mini rajčice, sol, papar, 2 dl bijelog vina.
Za umak ( preljev ): 
3-4 žlice maslinova ulja, 2-3 žlice soka limuna, 2-3 žlice sjeckanog peršina, 3-4 žlice riblje juhe, sol, papar po ukusu

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu... 

Hobotnicu zalediti nekoliko dana prije, ako kupite živu na ribarnici... Ako je zaleđena onda je odlediti u 
slanoj vodi ...
Ocijediti i staviti u dublju posudu ili lonac, dodati 2-3 žlice vode i poklopiti. Kuhati na srednje jakoj vatri oko 20 min... Pustit će dovoljno vode u kojoj će se kuhati i neće zagoriti. Probati i ako vam se čini još tvrdom nastaviti 
5-6 min...
Izvaditi je, a preostalu tekućinu sačuvati. Nema je baš puno, ali 2-3 žlice su zlata vrijedne.

Hobotnica iz pećnice

Za to vrijeme oguliti i narezati krumpire na kriške 6 - 7 mm debele, posoliti, nauljiti, staviti u posudu za pečenje. Dodati ružmarin, češnjak i staviti peći na 220 - 250°C oko 20 min...
Hobotnicu narezati na krakove, posoliti po ukusu, nauljiti i složiti na zapečeni krumpir... Nastaviti peći još desetak min pa dodati rajčice i zaliti vinom...
Smanjiti temperaturu ako treba, ili malo pokriti folijom, ali ja to izbjegavam! Više volim da zarumeni nego da kuha u pari! 
Zaliti i onu preostalu tekućinu od kuhanja hobotnice i ostaviti u isključenoj pećnici nekoliko min...
Pripremiti umak od češnjaka, peršina, soka limuna, maslinova ulja, juhe, soli i papara po ukusu, samo izmješati i preliti prije serviranja ...
U slast vam bila moja hoba! I stavite više krumpira !

Hobotnica iz pećnice


Octopus from the oven

Octopus from the oven

Octopus is not my favorite dish, but it is preparing with the same passion as any other ! Through a long , research , I found and tried various recipes for octopus with potatoes, from the oven, or baking ... I tried it at the neighbors , friends, relatives ... in the restaurants and the best of all gathered and agreed to my story ! Good or bad ,on to you to judge , and the story goes like this ....

Ingredients : 
The octopus weighing about 2 kg , 2 kg of potatoes ... or more , 2-3 cloves garlic , rosemary leaves or twigs , olive oil , cherry tomatoes , salt , pepper , 2 dl white wine . 
For the sauce ( dressing ) : 
3-4 tablespoons of olive oil , 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice , 2-3 tablespoons chopped parsley , 3-4 tablespoons fish stock , salt , pepper to taste

The process of preparing look at our video recipe ... 

Octopus freeze for a few days, if you buy a live in the fish market ...  If frozen then defrost in salt water ...
Drain and place in a deep pot or casserole , add 2-3 tablespoons water and cover . Cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes ... and he will bring enough water in which to cook and will not scorch . Remove it , and the remaining liquid to preserve . No it is not much , but 2-3 tablespoons are worth gold .

Octopus from the oven

During this time, peel and slice the potatoes into slices 6-7 mm thick , salted , oiled , put in a baking dish . Add rosemary , garlic and put in the oven at 220-250 ° C for about 20 minutes ... Octopus cut into legs , add salt to taste , oiled and agree on a baked potato ... Continue bake for another ten minutes and add the tomatoes and pour the wine ...
Reduce heat if necessary , cover with foil , but I do avoid ! I prefer to cook until golden but not in pairs! Pour the one remaining liquid from cooking octopus and leave in the off oven a few minutes ... Prepare a sauce of garlic , parsley , lemon juice , olive oil , broth , salt and pepper to taste , stir and pour over just before serving ... Bon appetit !!! My octopus ! You put more potatoes !

Octopus from the oven
