Bastion paprike / Stuffed peppers " Bastion "

Bastion paprike
Bastion paprike
   Scroll down for recipe in English...                     

Bastion je tvrđava u Splitu izgrađena za obranu grada od Turaka...
Bastion je bio self service restoran, u neko ne tako davno doba u kojem sam se opila punjenim paprikama i danima opsjedala kuharicu moleći recept... Bile su to najbolje punjene paprike koje sam ikad jela, ali i paprike koje su rastužile moju mamu, vrsnu kuharicu za tu hercegovačku deliciju... Žao mi je mama, ako sam te tada povrijedila, ali ja i dalje tvrdim da su ovo najbolje punjene paprike...Rekli su mi da je potajno spremala iste...


Luk, češnjak, mrkva, rajčice, korijen celera, korijen peršina, komadić kožice ili ostatak slanine,lovor, sol, papar, ulje

400 g junećeg mljevenog mesa, 300 g svinjskog mljevenog...plećka ili vrat još bolje, 100 g pancete, 1 luk, 2 češnja češnjaka, papar, sol, 100 g riže ( i manje ), 3 dcl tople vode

Postupak pripreme  pogledajte u našem video receptu...

Prethodno napraviti umak:

Na ulju malo popržiti slaninu i dodati luk na krupnije režnjeve, a kad povene dodavati redom 2-3 mrkve na kolutiće, korjenasto povrće, 200-300 g pelati ili svježih rajčica i to kuhati dok omekša. ..
Posoliti, popapriti i smiksati štapnim mikserom


Usitniti slaninu i popržiti je na malo ulja i dodati sitno, sitno narezani luk...neka dobro povene...  
Umiješati sve navedene sastojke i sjediniti masu dodajući toplu vodu...Napuniti pripremljene paprike i složiti u posudu... ... da se lijepo naslone jedna na drugu...

Preliti umakom, kojeg razrijediti s malo vode ako je pregust...razina umaka je malo ispod visine paprika, nikako više jer će plivati...ukoliko bude potrebno poslije dodati još malo umaka ili vode...
Kuhati na srednje jakoj vatri oko sat vremena...dodati po želji malo pancete, poneku rajčicu i nekoliko grančica peršina...

Umak je satenasto sjajan i gust ...bez ikakvih dodataka i zgušnjivača...uživajte!

Bastion paprike

Višak umaka ,ako ga ima ostaviti za drugi put!

Bastion paprike


Stuffed peppers " Bastion "

 Stuffed peppers " Bastion "

"Bastion" is a fort in Split ( Croatia ), built to defend the city against the Turks ... Bastion was a self service restaurant , in a not so long time in which I enjoyed the stuffed peppers and for days besieged the cook asking for recipe ... It was the best stuffed peppers I ever eat , but also the peppers that have saddened my mother , excellent cook for the Herzegovinian delicacy ... I'm sorry, mom , if I hurt you then , but I still maintain that this is the best stuffed peppers ... they told me that she was secretly preparing the same ...

For the sauce : 
Onions , garlic , carrots , tomatoes , celery , parsley root , a piece of foreskin or the rest of the bacon ,bay leaf, salt , pepper , oil 
400 g beef mince , 300g minced pork shoulder or neck ... better yet , 100 g bacon , 1 onion , 2 cloves of garlic , pepper , salt , 100 grams of rice ( and less ) , 3 ounces of warm water

The process of preparing look at our video recipe ... 

Previously, make the sauce : 
On a little oil fry the bacon and add the onions to the larger lobes , and when the onions are fried add 2-3 carrots into rings , root vegetables , 200-300 g of tomato sauce or fresh tomatoes and cook until tender. .. Add salt , pepper and grind blender
Chop the bacon and fry it in a little oil and add finely , finely chopped onion ...fry until get golden color ...
Stir all the ingredients and unite the mass adding hot water ...Fill the prepared peppers and place in a bowl ... http : // ... to be nice backs to each other ...Pour the sauce , which is diluted with a little water if too thick ... levels sauce is slightly below the level of peppers , no more... if necessary after adding some sauce or water ...Cook over medium heat for about an hour ... add to taste a little bacon , some tomatoes and a few sprigs of parsley ...
The sauce is thick and shiny satin ... without any additives and thickener ... enjoy!
If you have extra sauce leave it for another time !

 Stuffed peppers " Bastion "
