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Ideja za Ručak - Pečene Punjene Paprike | Lunch Idea - Roasted Stuffed Peppers Recipe |
Punjene i pečene paprike koje nisu samo lijepe nego i super ukusne ...
Stuffed and roasted peppers that are not only beautiful but also super delicious...
⬇SASTOJCI / INGREDIENTS⬇ 14 do 15 malih paprika 300 grama luka 3 do 4 žlice biljnog ulja 80 grama mrkve 15 grama češnjaka 20 grama peršina 80 do 100 grama pancete ( masni, bijeli dio ) 800 grama mljevene junetine sol i papar 2 žlice slatke crvene paprike u prahu 100 grama riže 200 grama rajčice 100 grama pancete 500 grama krumpira 120 grama pasirane rajčice otprilike 300 mililitara juhe ( ili kocka za juhu) _____________________________________________________ 14 to 15 small bell peppers 300 grams of onions 3 to 4 tablespoons vegetable oil 80 grams of carrots 15 grams of garlic 20 grams of parsley 80 to 100 grams of pancetta (fat, white part) 800 grams of ground beef salt and pepper 2 tablespoons sweet red pepper powder 100 grams of rice 200 grams of tomatoes 500 grams of potatoes 120 grams of mashed tomatoes approximately 300 milliliters of broth (or soup cube)
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ...
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