Ideja za rođendane, druženja - Hot Dog Kuglice sa Sirom🔹Birthday Party Snack - Cheese Hot Dog Balls


Ideja za rođendane, druženja - Hot Dog Kuglice sa Sirom🔹Birthday Party Snack - Cheese Hot Dog Balls
Ideja za rođendane, druženja - Hot Dog Kuglice sa Sirom🔹Birthday Party Snack - Cheese Hot Dog Balls

Nisu fritule! Nešto je slično, ali ima sira i hrenovki, a djeca obožavaju...


They are not fritters ! Something similar, but there is cheese in it, hot dogs, and the kids love it ...

Ideja za rođendane, druženja - Hot Dog Kuglice sa Sirom🔹Birthday Party Snack - Cheese Hot Dog Balls

SASTOJCI 🔹 ingredients TIJESTO 🔹 dough 🔹300g GLATKOG BRAŠNA🔹300g all purpose flour 🔹2 žličice PRAŠKA ZA PECIVO🔹2 tsp baking powder 🔹pola žličice SOLI🔹half tsp salt 🔹1 žičica CRVENE PAPRIKE🔹1 tsp red pepper powder 🔹2 JAJA🔹2 eggs 🔹250ml MLIJEKA🔹250ml milk _____________________________ 🔹150-200g HRENOVKI 🔹150-200g hot dog 🔹180g SIRA (MOZZARELLA, EMMENTALER)🔹180g cheese (mozzarella, emmental) 🔹600ml BILJNO ULJE🔹600ml vegetable oil 🔹BRAŠNO🔹flour 🔹DRVENI ŠTAPIĆI, ČAČKALICE🔹wooden sticks, toothpick

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ...

Ideja za rođendane, druženja - Hot Dog Kuglice sa Sirom🔹Birthday Party Snack - Cheese Hot Dog Balls
