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Pileći bataci koje morate probati / Chicken Thighs Recipe You Need to Know |
Ako postoji savršeno jelo od piletine, onda je ovo dobar kandidat da to bude. Probajte...
If there is a perfect chicken dish, then this is a good candidate to be. Try it..
SASTOJCI / Ingredients: - 4 PILEĆA BATKA / 4 chicken thighs - 200 g PILEĆEG FILEA / 200 g chicken fillet - 250 g LUKA / 250 g onion - 6 žlica BILJNOG ULJA / 6 tbsp vegetable oil - 100 g TOSTA / 100 g toast bread - 100 ml MLIJEKA / 100 ml milk - 20 g PERŠINA / 20 g parsley - 2 žličice SOLI / 2 tsp salt - 2 žličice SLATKE PAPRIKE U PRAHU / 2 tsp sweet red pepper powder - 1/2 žličice PAPRA / 1/2 tsp pepper - 80 g KREM SIRA (ili KAJMAK ili KISELO VRHNJE) / 80 g cream cheese (or sour cream) - 1 JAJE / 1 egg - 40 g RIBANOG PARMEZANA / 40 g grated parmesan -2 žlice MASLINOVOG ULJA ( ili OBIČNO) / 2 tbsp olive oil (or vegetable) - 120 ml JUHE (ili VODE) / 120 ml soup (or water) - PLASTIČNA FOLIJA / plastic foil - ČAČKALICE / toothpick
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ...
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ...
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