Zapečena piletina s rižom i povrćem / Oven Roasted Chicken with Rice and Vegetables

Zapečena piletina s rižom i povrćem / Oven Roasted Chicken with Rice and Vegetables
Zapečena piletina s rižom i povrćem / Oven Roasted Chicken with Rice and Vegetables

Zapečena piletina s rižom i povrćem...

Chicken with rice and vegetables...

SASTOJCI / ingredients

- 500 do 600 g BATAKA (bez kosti) I KRILNIH BATAKA / 500-600 g of boneless chicken legs and thighs
- SALT / salt
- 4 ŽLICE BILJNOG ULJA / 4 tbsp of vegetable oil
- 120 g LUKA / 120g of onion
- 50 g MRKVE / 50 g of carrot
- 40 g ZELENE PAPRIKE / 40 g of bell pepper
- PAPAR / pepper
- 1 REŽANJ ČEŠNJAKA / 1 clove of garlic
- 200 g RIŽE / 200 g of rice
- 650 do 700 g PILEĆEG TEMELJCA / 650 - 700 ml of chicken stock

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ...

Zapečena piletina s rižom i povrćem / Oven Roasted Chicken with Rice and Vegetables
