Japanski vjetar / The Best Fluffy Cream Cake

Japanski vjetar / The Best Fluffy Cream Cake
Japanski vjetar / The Best Fluffy Cream Cake

Ne znam je li najljepši, ali da je meni najdraži i najbolji, ne trebam ni govoriti. Japanski vjetar!

I don't know if it's the prettiest, but I don't even need to say it's my favorite and the best. The  best fluffy cream cake!

Japanski vjetar / The Best Fluffy Cream Cake


- 8 jaja / 8 eggs
- 300 g šećera / 300 g sugar
- 1 žlica bijelog octa (ili sok od limuna) / 1 tbsp white vinegar (or lemon juice)
- 160 g šećera u prahu / 160 g powdered sugar
- 40 g škrobnog brašna / 40 g cornstarch
- 655 ml mlijeka ukupno ( 375 ml za šlag, ostatak za kremu ) / 655 ml of milk whole amount ( 375 ml for the whipping cream and the rest for the eggs cream ) 
- 250 g maslaca / 250 g of butter
- 230 g krupno mljevenih oraha / 230 g ground walnuts
- 70 g oraha za ukrašavanje / 70 g walnuts for decorating

- 3 vrećice šlaga / 3 bags of cream ( whipping cream )

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ...

Japanski vjetar / The Best Fluffy Cream Cake
