Miješana salata iz bakine zimnice / Mixed salad from grandma"s winter stores

Miješana salata iz bakine zimnice / Mixed salad from grandma"s winter stores
Miješana salata iz bakine zimnice / Mixed salad from grandma"s winter stores

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Salata koju možete jesti već sutra. Dodati povrće koje imate, zaliti octom, začiniti po volji, prava je vitaminska bomba u zimskim danima.

2 kg kupusa, 1 i 1/2 kg paprika u bojama, 300 g crvenog luka, 400 g mrkve, 600 g krastavaca, 500 ml alkoholnog octa (9%), 1 čajna žlica vinobrana, 3 velike žlice soli, 2 velike žlice šećera, papar u zrnu, listići lovora i čili papričica

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Miješana salata iz bakine zimnice / Mixed salad from grandma"s winter stores


Mixed salad from grandma"s winter stores

Mixed salad from grandma"s winter stores

Salad you can eat already tomorrow ! Add vegetables  that you have, pour with 9percent alcohol vinegar and spice at will. Real bomb of vitamins in the cold winters days...


2 kg of cabbage, 1 and 1/2 kg of peppers in the color, 300 g of onions, 400 g of carrots, 600 g of cucumber, 500 ml of alcoholic vinegar (9%), 1 teaspoon of wine sulphur ( preservative ), 3 large tablespoons of salt, 2 large tablespoons of sugar ,  pepper, bay leaf and chilli pepper

Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

Mixed salad from grandma"s winter stores
