Kako napraviti dobre punjene paprike / How to cook delicious stuffed peppers

Kako napraviti dobre punjene paprike / How to cook delicious stuffed peppers
Kako napraviti dobre punjene paprike / How to cook delicious stuffed peppers

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Imate recept, kuhate ih godinama...ali probajte naše...! U slast vam!

700 g mesa ( junetina od vrata ili plećke ), 10 - 12 paprika srednje velikih, 1 crveni luk ( 130 g ), 2 režnja bijelog luka, 1 mala žlica crvene paprike, 50 g riže, sol, papar, 100 g pancete za punjenje, juneći temeljac, juha ( oko 2-2,5 dl za punjenje i 2 - 3 dl za zaliti ), vezica peršina i umak od rajčica
Za umak od rajčica:
1 crveni luk, kriška celera, 2 režnja češnjaka, zrele rajčice ( 500 g ), 2 mrkve, ulje, sol ...
Sve to skuhati kao šalšu, samljeti štapnim!
I još:
2 žlice brašna i malo juhe za zgusnuti, i komadi pancete

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Kako napraviti dobre punjene paprike / How to cook delicious stuffed peppers


How to cook delicious stuffed peppers

How to cook delicious stuffed peppers

You have a recipe, cook them for years ... but try our ...! To your delight!

700 g of minced meat , 10 to 12 peppers of medium size, 1 red onion (130 g), 2 cloves of garlic, 
1 teaspoon of red minced paprika, 50 g of rice, salt, pepper, 100 g of pancetta ( bacon ) for the stuffing, broth - soup (about 2 - 2.5 dl for the stuffing and 2 - 3 dl more for pour in), parsley and tomato sauce
For the tomato sauce:
1 red onion, celery slice, 2 cloves of garlic,  tomatoes (500 g), 2 carrots, oil, salt ... Cook all  and then grind it!
And more: 2 tablespoons of flour and a little soup or water ( if you want thicker sauce) , and pieces of pancetta ( bacon )

Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

How to cook delicious stuffed peppers
