Čokoladna torta / Chocolate cake

Čokoladna torta / Chocolate cake
Čokoladna torta / Chocolate cake

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Za užitke i posebne trenutke...Najčokoladnija torta ikad!
Izazvat će uzdah kod svakog muškarca, ali ni žene neće skriti pogled, a djeca je obožavaju!
A zapravo je stara, dobra klasika! Uživajte !

Čokoladna torta / Chocolate cake

Za biskvit:
6 jaja xl veličine, 200 g maslaca, 75 g čokolade za kuhanje, 40 g kakaa, 75 g badema (mljevenih),
175 g brašna, 300 g šećera (200 g sa bjelanjcima 100 g sa žutanjcima ) , 2 žlice ruma ili vanilija i 2 žličice praška za pecivo
Za kremu:
100 g šećera, 2 jaja i 1 žutanjak, vanilin šećer, 100 g čokolade za kuhanje, 200 g maslaca
Za glazuru:
250 g čokolade za kuhanje, 6 žlica ulja ( od toga jedan dio ide na papir za ukrašavanje, a drugim dijelom preliti tortu )
i još 300 g marmelade od marelice, 1 limun, 4-5 žlica vode...perlice

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....

Čokoladna torta / Chocolate cake


Chocolate cake

Čokoladna torta / Chocolate cake

The Best Chocolate Cake Ever!
This cake will delight every man, but also women, and children adore this chocolate cake!
And it's actually an old, good classics! Enjoy!

Čokoladna torta / Chocolate cake

For the sponge cake:
6 eggs of xl size, 200 g of butter, 75 g of  chocolate, 40 g of cocoa, 75 g of almonds (minced),
175 g of flour, 300 g of sugar ( 200 g with egg whites and 100 g with egg yolks), 2 tablespoons of rum or vanilla and 2 teaspoons of baking powder
For the cream:
100 g of sugar, 2 eggs and 1 egg yolk, vanilla sugar, 100 g of chocolate, 200 g of butter
For the glaze:
250 g of chocolate, 6 tablespoons of oil (one part goes for decorating on paper and the other part is for pour over the cake)
and  300 g apricot jam, 1 lemon, 4-5 tablespoons of water ... sugar pearls

Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

Čokoladna torta / Chocolate cake
