Raštika za gušt i zdravlje / Cabbage for pleasure and health

Raštika za gušt i zdravlje / Cabbage for pleasure and health
Raštika za gušt i zdravlje / Cabbage for pleasure and health

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Ovo je najhercegovačkije jelo i jedno od najzdravijih koje će vam dobro doći nakon blagdanskog obilja...!

Raštika i to mlađi listovi ( 1-2 kg ), 1 kg suhog mesa, rebra i suha ovčetina ( koštradina ), panceta,
krvavica, sol, krumpir

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....

Raštika za gušt i zdravlje / Cabbage for pleasure and health


Cabbage for pleasure and health

Cabbage for pleasure and health

This is a dish from Herzegovina and one of the healthiest ones to cook after the 
holiday abundance ...!

Cabbage ( younger leaves 1-2 kg), 1 kg of dried smoked meat, ribs, bacon, sausage, salt, potatoes

Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

Cabbage for pleasure and health
