Knedle s pancetom / Dumplings with pancetta

Knedle s pancetom / Dumplings with pancetta
Knedle s pancetom / Dumplings with pancetta

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Za ljubav nikad nije ništa teško i pravo je veselje učiniti nekoga sretnim tako malim darom, kao što je moj današnji ručak!
Kad znaš šta voli i kad ti je stalo, onda znaš sve...! Sretan ti rođendan dragi!

Za tijesto:
800 g krumpira, 200 g oštrog brašna, 1 jaje, 1 žlica maslaca, sol
Za nadjev:
3 - 4 luka, 150 g pancete, 4 žlice krušnih mrvica, vezica peršina i ulje

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....

Knedle s pancetom / Dumplings with pancetta


Dumplings with pancetta

Dumplings with pancetta

For love, it's never been hard and it's a pleasure to make someone happy with such a small gift, as is my present lunch!
When you know what he likes and when you care, then you know everything ...! Happy birthday dear!

For the dough:
800 g of potatoes, 200 g of quick mixing flour, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of butter, salt
For the filling:
3 - 4 onions, 150 g pancetta, 4 tablespoons of bread crumbs, bunch of parsley and oil 

Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

Dumplings with pancetta
