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Zlatni mini panettone / Golden mini panettone |
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Evo dragi moji još jedan simbol Božića iz našeg susjedstva u mini izdanju!
Volim taj okus još vrućeg panettonea, ali ne mogu odoljeti ni onom odstajalom ...više dana, čak i tjedana! Uslast vam!
Za kvasac:
1/3 kocke kvasca ili 1 vrećica suhog, 2 žlice šećera, 10 ml toplog mlijeka
Za tijesto:
400 ( i još 100 ) g brašna, 80 g šećera, 100 ml mlijeka, 125 g masla, 4 žutanjka, malo soli, sok i korica naranče, korica limuna, 50 g kandirane korice naranče, 100 g kandiranih marelica, 100 g grožđica,
50 g listića ( sjeckanih bijelih badema ), 1 dl ruma ili nekog likera ili rakije
Preljev - glazura:
20 g bjelanjaka, 20 g sitno mljevenih badema, 25 g šećera u prahu, 2 kapi arome vanilije i granule šećera
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....
Golden mini panettone
Here is my dears, one more Christmas symbol from our neighborhood in a mini edition!
I like the tastes of hot panettone, but I can not resist the chilled one ... more days, even weeks!
To your delight!
For the yeast:
1/3 cube of yeast or 1 sachet of dry, 2 tablespoons sugar, 10 ml of warm milk
For the dough: 400 g ( and 100 g more ) of flour, 80 g of sugar, 100 ml of milk, 125 g of butter, 4 yolks, a little salt, orange juice and zest, lemon zest, 50 g sugary dry orange peel, 100 g dried apricots, 100 g raisins, 50 g of leaves (chopped white almonds), 1 dl of rum or some liqueur or brandy
For the glaze:
20 g egg whites, 20 g finely ground almonds, 25 g powdered sugar, 2 drops of vanilla flavor and sugar granules
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....
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