Vlaška terina / Leek with sausage

Vlaška terina / Leek with sausage
Vlaška terina / Leek with sausage

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Nema vage, nema količina! Moja baka vagu nije imala, a koliko je u vrtu našla, toliko je i kuhala!
Kruha je uvijek bilo dovoljno i tako smo svi bili siti! Probajte ...ovo je jako fino i ukusno jelo!

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....

Vlaška terina / Leek with sausage


Leek with sausage

Leek with sausage

There is no weighing, no quantity! My grandma had no scales, and how much she had found in the garden, she cooked so much! There was always enough bread and so we would not be hungry! Try it ... this is a very fine and delicious meal!

Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

Leek with sausage
