Piletina s povrćem u umaku / Chicken with vegetables in sauce

Piletina s povrćem u umaku / Chicken with vegetables in sauce
Piletina s povrćem u umaku / Chicken with vegetables in sauce

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I ovim jelom od piletine vas želim uvjeriti da to nije dosadno meso i da s malo mašte i sastojaka koje uvijek imate u kući, možete spremiti odlično jelo! Uživajte!

400 - 500 g pilećih bataka, zabataka, 1 veći crveni luk, 3-4 režnja češnjaka, 200 g šampinjona, 2 mrkve,
vezica peršina, sok pola limuna, 1 žlica maslaca, sol, papar, 1 žlica brašna, juha
I još - kriške bijelog kruha, 100 g pancete

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Piletina s povrćem u umaku / Chicken with vegetables in sauce


Chicken with vegetables in sauce

Chicken with vegetables in sauce

And with this chicken dish I want to convince you that it is not a boring meat and that with a little imagination and ingredients you always have in the house, you can cook a great meal! Enjoy!

400 - 500 g chicken fillets, drumstick, 1 big onion, 3-4 garlic cloves, 200 g of champignons, 
2 carrots, parsley, half a lemon juice, 1 tablespoon butter, salt, pepper, 1 tablespoon of flour, soup
And  - slices of white bread, 100 g pancetta

Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

Chicken with vegetables in sauce
