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Najbolje punjene paprike IKAD! / The best stuffed peppers EVER! |
Nije mi ugodno, dragi moji SOS-oljupci, pričati vam o jelu kojeg svi jako dobro poznajete...
Tu se nema šta puno reći, a ni dodati, ali ipak postoje neke sitnice, koje ove punjene paprike čine posebnim, slobodna sam reći - najboljim ikad!
Sastojci za umak:
1 crveni luk, 3 - 4 režnja češnjaka, 400 - 500 g rajčica, 1 žlica šećera, 1 žlica brašna, sol, ulje...
Za nadjev:
700 - 800 g mljevene junetine (plećka ili vrat), 100 g pancete, 2 crvena luka, 2 režnja češnjaka,
1 žlica crvene paprike, 4-5 žlica riže, sol, papar, 3 dl juhe (voda s goveđom kockom)
I još:
100 g pancete (kriške) i 15 - 20 manjih paprika
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....
The best stuffed peppers EVER!
I'm not comfortable, my dears to talk to you about a dish you all know very well ...
There is not much to say or add, but there are still some things that make these peppers special,
I'm free to say - the best stuffed peppers ever!
Sauce ingredients:
1 red onion, 3 - 4 garlic cloves, 400-500 g tomatoes, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of flour, salt, oil ...
For filling:
700 - 800 g of minced beef (shoulder or neck), 100 g of pancetta, 2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic,
1 spoon of red paprika, 4-5 tablespoons rice, salt, pepper, 3 dl soup (water with beef cube)
100 g of pancetta (slices) and 15 - 20 small peppers
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....
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