Žute mahune / Yellow string bean

Žute mahune / Yellow string bean
Žute mahune / Yellow string bean

Scroll down for recipes in English...

Evo jedno fino i jušno jelo ili na žlicu, kako mi to po domaću kažemo! Brzo se i lako priprema, od sastojaka koje uvijek imate u kuhinji i što je najvažnije, lagano je, ukusno i zasitno... tipično ljetno jelo! Znam da znate, ali probajte na ovaj način!

500 - 600 g žutih mahuna, 300 g teletine, 1-2 crvena luka, 2-3 režnja češnjaka, 2-3 krumpira,
2-3 zrele rajčice, pola vezice peršina, 3-4 mrkve, list lovora, sol, papar, svježe čili papričice, vezica vlasca, sol, papar i ulje

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....

Žute mahune / Yellow string bean


 Yellow string bean

 Yellow string bean

Here is a delicious meal to eat with a spoon! Fast and easy to prepare, from the ingredients you always have in the kitchen and most importantly, light, delicious and fine ... a typical summer meal! 
I know you know, but try to cook it like this!

500 - 600 g yellow string bean, 300 g of veal, 1-2 onions, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 2-3 potatoes,
2-3 tomatoes, parsley, 3-4 carrots, bay leaf, salt, pepper, fresh chili peppers, chives, salt, pepper and oil

Preparation: Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....

 Yellow string bean
