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Čokoladni rolat / Chocolate roll |
Često mislim na svoje susjede i ne propustim priliku usrećit ih s malo kolačića ili kriškom torte...
Njima to puno znači, jer mi smo pripadnici starije generacije i navikli smo tako - jedni drugima, kao znak pažnje, dodati poneki "tanjurić".
Sastojci za biskvit:
6 bjelanjaka, 2 žutanjka, 110 g šećera, 100 g brašna, 2 žlice pecilnog praška, 3 žlice kakaa, 50 ml ulja,
2 žlice likera od višanja (ili rum), malo soli
4 žutanjka, 5 žlica šećera u prahu, 1 vanil šećer, 100 g čokolade, 200 g masla i 100 ml vrhnja za šlag
Šlag, čokolada u prahu, ribiz za ukrasiti
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....
Chocolate roll
I often think about my neighbors and do not miss the chance to make them happy with a little cookie or a slice of cake ...
To them it means a lot, because we are members of the older generation and we are used to - each other, as a sign of attention, to add some "plate".
Ingredients for biscuit:
6 egg whites, 2 yolks, 110 g sugar, 100 g flour, 2 tablespoons baking powder, 3 tablespoons cocoa,
50 ml oil, 2 tablespoons of cherry liqueur (or rum), a little salt
4 egg yolks, 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 1 vanilla sugar, 100 g of chocolate, 200 g of butter and 100 ml of whipped cream
Whipped cream, powdered chocolate, currants to decorate
4 egg yolks, 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 1 vanilla sugar, 100 g of chocolate, 200 g of butter and 100 ml of whipped cream
Whipped cream, powdered chocolate, currants to decorate
Watch the preparation process in our video recipe ....
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