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Kruh ispod lonca / Bread beneath the pot |
Scroll down for recipe on English...
Od startera do kruha! I ako se nikada ne odlučite napraviti ovakav kruh, dobro je znati!
Sjećam se da je moja baka radila na ovaj način, a razlog su bili neimaština u ratnim i poratnim godinama, kad je germa bila daleki san... Oduvijek sam željela "uzgojiti" kvasac na isti način i osjetiti taj
kiselkasto - ugodni miris o kojem bi često pričala moja mama... i uspjela sam !
Miris je zaista čudesan, okus i tekstura i ne baš, jer teško je u ovom obilju spužvastih i pufastih peciva prihvatiti nešto tako.... ili možda ja nisam bila dovoljno strpljiva s tako mladim kvascem...
Sastojci za starter:
1. dan - 2 dl mlake vode, 150 g brašna, 1 punija žličica šećera
2. dan - 1 dl mlake vode, 90 g brašna
3. dan - 1 dl mlake vode, 90 g brašna
4. dan je kvasac spreman za upotrebu!
Na 1 kg brašna ide 2 dl startera.
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu....
U teglu sa starterom uvijek dodavati novih 1 dl vode i 90 g brašna i tako ga hraniti i čuvati!
Stavila sam u zamrzivač i testirat ću kako se ponaša takav!
Bread beneath the pot
From starter to bread! And if you never decide to make this bread, it's good to know!
I remember that my grandmother kneaded in this way, and the reason were poverty in war and postwar years, when the yeast was a distant dream ... I always wanted to "grow" the yeast in the same way and feel that sour - sweet savor like my mom use to say... and I succeeded!
The smell is really wonderful, flavor and texture, not quite because it is difficult in this abundance of foamy and fluffy pastry accept something like this.... or maybe I was not patient enough with young yeast ...
Ingredients for the starter:
Day 1 - 2 dl lukewarm water 150 g flour, 1 teaspoon sugar fuller
Day 2 - 1 dl warm water, 90 g flour
Day 3 - 1 dl warm water, 90 g flour
Day 4 - the yeast is ready for use!
At 1 kg of flour goes 2 dl starter.
The process of preparing look at our video recipe ....
In a jar with a starter always adding new 1 ml of water and 90 g of flour and so feed it and keep!
I put it in the freezer and will test out how it behaves like that!
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