Gulaš čorba / Goulash soup

Gulaš čorba / Goulash soup
Gulaš čorba / Goulash soup
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Ništa, ali baš ništa me tako ne vrati u djetinjstvo, kao ova gulaš čorba!
Zato je napravim često i to samo za svoj gušt i baš onako kako ju je pravila moja mama, s jednim malim dodatkom ovaj put - malo bijelog vina!

500 - 600 g teletine od plećke, 1 veći crveni luk, 1-2 češnja češnjaka, 1 žlica pirea od rajčice, 1 -2 dl bijelog vina ( ne mora), nekoliko krumpira, listić lovora, sol papar i ulje

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Gulaš čorba / Goulash soup


Goulash soup

Goulash soup

Nothing, but nothing  remind me of childhood, as the goulash soup!
Therefore, I cook it often and only for my pleasure and just as it was making my mom, with one small addition of this time - a little white wine!

Ingredients: 500-600 g of veal shoulder, 1 large onion, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of tomato puree,
1 -2 dl white wine (not necessarily), a few potatoes, bay leaf, salt, pepper and oil The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...

Goulash soup
