Baguette SOS Kuhinje / Kitchen

Baguette SOS Kuhinje / Kitchen
Baguette SOS Kuhinje / Kitchen

Scroll down for recipe on English...

Oduvijek je moj omiljeni kruh! Privukao me izgledom, okusom i savršeno hrskavom koricom!
I već dugo se želim okušati u izradi, ali me strah od neuspjeha, sve do danas držao daleko od pokušaja!
I ako sam jako zadovoljna, ipak će tu trebati neke stvari malo bolje posložiti! Mora i može još bolje! Pridružite mi se i umijesimo skupa taj savršeni - BAGUETTE!

1kg brašna, 700 ml vode, stari kvas ( tijesto od prethodnog ) ili 2 -3 g svježeg kvasca, 1 i 1/2 žlice soli.

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...

Prosijati brašno i odvojiti 200 - 300 g. Ostatak umijesiti kako je pokazano u videu!
Ako mijesite sa svježim kvascem treba ga najprije otopiti u vodi i s vodom umiješati u brašno ...
Tijesto umijesiti žlicom takve mekoće da se lako može lupati žlicom, a lupa se najmanje 10 min!
Ostatak brašna umijesiti rukom i pouljiti, pokriti folijom i ostaviti da se diže 5-6 sati najmanje !
Ili preko noći!

Baguette SOS Kuhinje / Kitchen


Baguette SOS Kuhinje / Kitchen

Baguette SOS Kuhinje / Kitchen

It has always been my favorite bread! I was attracted to the appearance, taste and perfectly crispy crust!
And for a long time, I want to try to make it, but I was afraid of failure, until now that fear kept me away from trying!
And if I'm very pleased, however,  it must and can be better! 
Join me and knead together that perfect - BAGUETTE!

Ingredients: 1 kg of flour, 700 ml of water, the old leaven (the dough from the previous) or 2 -3 g of fresh yeast, 1 and 1/2 tablespoons salt. Preparation: The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...
Sift flour and separated 200-300 g. The rest knead as shown in the video! If mixed with the fresh yeast should be first dissolved in water and water mix in the flour ... Knead the dough with a spoon such softness that can easily batter with a spoon, a batter with a spoon for at least 10 minutes! The rest of the flour, knead by hand and oil, cover with foil and leave to rise for 5-6 hours at least! Or overnight!

Baguette SOS Kuhinje / Kitchen
