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Stollen - božićni kruh / Stollen - Christmas bread |
Scroll down for recipe in English...
Imala sam sreću probati stollen još u djetinjstvu i zbog njega nestrpljivo očekivati taj božićni paket od strica iz Njemačke! Danas ga volim još više i radim ga s posebnim veseljem uživajući u svakom trenutku, od sjeckanja i namakanja sušenog voća,oblikovanju i pečenju! A miris koji ispuni dušu i naš dom, neću ni spominjati!
Uživajte s nama !
Sastojci:1 kg brašna, 300 g maslaca, 100 g šećera, 400 g sultanija, 2 dl maraskina ili ruma, 2 šećer vanilije, 1 kocka svježeg kvasca, 250 ml mlijeka, kora limuna i naranče, sok naranče ili 1-2 žlice džema od naranče, 3 jaja, 3 žutanjka, 1 žličica soli, 70 g kandirane kore naranče, 70 g kandirane kore limuna, 70 g brusnica, 70 g listića badema, 200 g šećera u prahu za posipanje. I još 250 g marcipana, može i više.
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Sultanije preliti maraskinom ili rumom ... namakati preko noći !
U toplo mlijeko namrviti kvasac, dodati 1 žlicu šećera i 2 žlice brašna. Izmiješati i na toplom dizati do dvostruke veličine.
Umutiti jaja, šećer i šećer vaniliju. Dodati 2/3 brašna, nadošli kvasac, otopljeno maslo i miješati mikserom najmanje 5 min... Dodati preostalo brašno i sol pa rukom umijesiti tijesto... Ne smije biti tvrdo! Pokriti folijom i dizati na toplom mjestu 40- ak min!
Umiješati sve preostale sastojke i ponovo dizati oko pola sata najmanje! Podijeliti na jednake dijelove. Svaki razvući rukama u pravokutni oblik debljine oko 2 cm.
Ruke i papir premazati otopljenim maslacem. Staviti marcipan, preklopiti, tako da se pokrije marcipan, ali da dio tijesta ostane prazan i nepokriven ... To je onaj karakterističan oblik stollena! Premazati dobro maslacem i peći na 180°C prvih 15 min, u dobro ugrijanoj pećnici. Nakon toga peći još 20- ak min na 160°C, što ovisi o veličini štruca i jačini pećnice! Vruć stollen dobro natopiti maslacem i odmah posuti šećerom u prahu! Posuti još kad se servira!
Umotan u celofan ili zatvoren u limenu kutiju traje danima ... tjednima, ako se ne pojede!
Stollen - Christmas bread
I was lucky enough to try stollen in childhood and becouse of it impatiently expect the Christmas package from my uncle from Germany! Today I love it even more, and do it with great pleasure enjoying every moment of chopping and soaking dried fruit, shaping and baking! A smell that filled the soul of our home, I will not forget!
Enjoy with us!
Enjoy with us!
1 kg of flour, 300 g butter, 100 g sugar, 400 g of raisins, 2 dl maraschino or rum, 2 vanilla sugar, 1 cube of fresh yeast, 250 ml milk, lemon peel and orange, orange juice or 1-2 tablespoons of orange jam 3 eggs, 3 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon salt, 70 g candied orange peel, 70 g candied lemon peel, 70 g of cranberries, 70 g almonds leaves, 200 g of powdered sugar for sprinkling. And 250 g marzipan.
The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...
Raisins pour the maraschino or rum ... soak overnight!
In the warm milk crumble the yeast, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons flour. Mix and warm to rise to double size.
Whisk the eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar. Add 2/3 of the flour, the yeast, dissolved butter and mix with electric mixer for at least 5 min ... Add remaining flour and salt but with a hand knead the dough ... It should not be hard! Cover with foil and rest in a warm place 40-odd minutes!
Stir all remaining ingredients and again to lift it about half an hour at least! Divide into equal parts. Each stretch with hands in rectangular form a thickness of about 2 cm.
Hands and paper coated with melted butter. Place the marzipan, switch, so as to cover marzipan, that part of the dough remains empty and uncovered ... It is the characteristic shape of stollen! Coat well with butter and bake at 180 ° C for the first 15 minutes, in a well-preheated oven.
Then bake 20 minutes at 160 ° C, depending on the size of the cake strength of the oven! Hot stollen good soak with butter and immediately sprinkle with powdered sugar! Sprinkle even when it is served!
Wrapped in cellophane or sealed in tin can last for days ... weeks, if you do not eat!
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