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Lješnjak rolice / Hazelnut rolls |
Dugo sam razmišljala o ovim keksićima, ovih dana posebno pojačano, jer su mi se činili jako zgodni za blagdane koji dolaze! Lomila sam se misleći kako je to ipak previše posla i vremena za jedan običan suhi kolačić! Danas sam se predala izazovu i ne kajem se!
Sastojci za tamno tijesto:
1 veći žutanjak, 2 žlice kakaa, 2 žlice šećera u prahu, 60 - 70 g mljevenih tostiranih lješnjaka, 2 žličice cimeta
ili manje... po ukusu!
Sastojci za svijetlo tijesto:
260 g brašna,180 g maslaca, 90 g šećera u prahu, 1 veći žutanjak, malo soli
I još... 100 g krupno mljevenih ili sjeckanih tostiranih lješnjaka
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Tamno tijesto... izmiješati sve sastojke kako je pokazano u videu! Svijetlo isto tako...pratiti video!
Tijesto valjati između dva lista papira i povremeno dizat papir i poravnati rubove...
Svijetlo tijesto razvaljati u formu pravokutnika veličine oko 33 x 23 cm. Može i 1 - 2 cm više ! Tako će biti više ovih spirala.
Smeđe tijesto razvaljati u istu formu ali stranice da su 32 x 22 cm! Nije potrebno da je veća razlika ! Na slici se vidi kako sam ja imala veću razliku i to nije dobro!
Izmiješati 1 bjelanjak vilicom i premazati svijetlo tijesto!
Krajeve pek papira na kojem je smeđe tijesto, svinuti preko tijesta i uzeti ga rukom i prebaciti na svijetlo tijesto, tako što će se ruka naći u sendviču dvaju tijesta ... Polako je izvlačiti povlačeći istovremeno i onaj svinuti rub papira... Tijesta su sada spojena ... Staviti ponovo papir preko i samo blago preći valjkom ...
Rezati ...rolati...hladiti kako je navedeno u videu!
Ledene rolate rezati na kriške od 5 mm, slagati na lim s papirom i peći 8-10 min na 200°C...
Hazelnut rolls
I have long thought about these biscuits, these days especially, because they seemed to me very handsome for the holidays that are coming! But I thought they were too difficult to do and how it's still too much work and time for an ordinary dry cake! Today I was handed the challenge and do not regret it!
Ingredients for dark dough:
1 large egg yolk, 2 tablespoons cocoa, 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 60 to 70 g of ground toasted hazelnuts, 2 teaspoons cinnamon
or less ...
Ingredients for light dough:
260 g of flour, 180 g butter, 90 g of powdered sugar, 1 large egg yolk, a pinch of salt.
And more....100 g coarse ground or chopped toasted hazelnuts
The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...
Dark dough ... Mix all ingredients as shown in the video! Light also ... follow video!
The dough roll between two sheets of paper and occasionally lift up the paper and align the edges ...
Light dough roll in the form of a rectangle measuring about 33 x 23 cm. Can and 1-2 cm more! So it will be more of these spirals.
Brown roll out the dough in the same form pages that are 32 x 22 cm! It is not necessary that the greater the difference! The photo shows that I have a greater difference, and that's not good!
Mix 1 egg white with a fork and spread light dough!
The ends of baking paper on which the brown dough, bent over the dough and take it by hand and switch on the light dough... hand will be found in a sandwich between the two dough ... slowly pull pulling at the same time and the bent edge of the paper ... Doughs are now connected ... Put the paper over again and only slightly exceed with the roller ...
Cut ... roll ... cool as specified in the video!
Ice rolls cut into slices of 5 mm, put them in a baking pan with paper and bake for 8-10 minutes at 200 ° C ...
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