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Fine vanilice s orasima / Vanilla cookies with nuts |
Ponekad izgubim dane i dane tragajući za nekim jednostavnim i finim keksićima i to nepotrebno!
Oni najljepši su zapravo oduvijek tu... na dohvat ruke, stoput provjereni i omiljeni! Mama ih je od nas sakrivala i do Božića čuvala u najskrovitijem dijelu ormara ... Što su duže stajale, bile su sve mekše i finije!
Ima još dovoljno vremena ... i ove će biti savršene!
300 g masti, 2 jaja i jedan žutanjak, 2 šećer vanilije, korica i sok naranče, 200 g šećera u prahu, 200 g mljevenih oraha, brašna koliko traži ( pola glatkog, pola oštrog ).
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Umijesiti kako pokazuje video!
Valjati 4-5 mm debelo!
Peći 8 - 10 min na 200°C ... Moraju ostati svijetli!
Hladne spajati čokoladnom kremom ili džemom od marelice.
Uvaljati u prah šećer!
Vanilla cookies with nuts
Sometimes I lose days and days searching for some simple and tasty biscuits and it is unnecessary!
The most beautiful are actually always there ... at our fingertips, a hundred times proven and favorite! My mom is hiding them from us and kept up to Christmas in the most secret part of the closet ...
The longer they stood, they were all softer and finer!
There's still plenty of time ... and this will be perfect!
300 g butter, 2 eggs and one egg yolk, 2 sugar vanilla, crust and juice of 1 orange, 200 g of powdered sugar, 200 g ground walnuts, flour as necessary to knead the dough.
The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...
Knead the dough as you can see in the video!
Roll 4-5 mm thick!
Bake for 8-10 minutes at 200 ° C ... must stay lit!
Cold biscuits connect with chocolate cream or apricot jam.
Roll in powdered sugar!
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