Slatko od dunja / Sweet quince

Slatko od dunja / Sweet quince
Slatko od dunja / Sweet quince
Scroll down for recipe in English...

Uživam u ovom slatkom i obožavam ga! Kako izgleda možete vidjeti ... boja i sjaj sve govore, ali ono što ne vidite su okus i miris... Okus koji sve drugo ostavlja iza sebe... Morate probati!

4 - 5 dunja (oko 1 kg ), sok 1 limuna, 400 g šećera, 100 - 200 ml vode, 2-3 kocke leda.
Kora od 2 dunje i sjemenke od svih dunja

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...

Dunje oprati i dobro očistiti od dlačica. Svaku rezati na kriške i odvojiti sjemenke i zadebljali zrnast dio u sredini. Oguliti i koru. Odvojiti korice od 2 dunje. Narezati na kocke ne veće od 2x2 cm...nešto manje!
Staviti u posudu, dodati šećer i kore! Sjemenke su malo problem pa ako ih ne želite i ne morate ih staviti.
Treba ih na kraju jednu po jednu micati, a dobre su za boju! Pa kako hoćete!
Kora je za želiranje... ima dosta pektina!
Kuhati na srednje jakoj vatri oko pola sata ... tada početi kontrolirati i miješati malo češće. Kad je jako gusto dodati sok limuna i pola dl hladne vode. Ja sam imala zaleđeni sok i kocke leda pa sam tako stavila.
Kuhati još 5-6 min i gotovo!
Sve skupa ne bi smjelo trajati dulje od 50 min... Ali veličina posude i jačina vatre su različiti!
Boja i gustoća su dobar orijentir!

Slatko od dunja / Sweet quince


Sweet quince

Sweet quince

 I enjoy this sweet and I love it! How does it look, you can see ... the color and shine all say, but what you do not see is the flavor and aroma ... The taste that everything else left behind ... You have to try!

4-5 quince (about 1 kg), 1 lemon juice, 400 g sugar, 100 - 200 ml of water, 2-3 ice cubes.
The bark of 2 quince and  seeds of all quince

The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...

Wash and clean the quince. Each cut into slices and separate the seeds and thickened grainy part in the middle. Peel the bark. Separate peel bark of 2 quince. Cut into cubes no larger than 2x2 cm ... and less!
Put in a bowl, add the sugar and the peel bark! The seeds are small problem. If you do not want to put the seeds you do not have to.
They should be removed at the end, but they are good for the colour!
The bark is for the gelling ... there are plenty of pectin in it!
Cook over medium heat for about half an hour ... then start to control and mix a little more often. When it is very thick add lemon juice and half  dl of cold water. I had a frozen juice and ice cubes so I put them.
Cook for another 5-6 minutes!
All together should take no longer than 50 minutes ... But the size of the vessel and the strength of the fire are different!
Color and density are good orientation!

Sweet quince
