Lemon curd

Sigurna sam da ova slastica većini vas izgleda i zvuči vrlo moderno, kao da je nastala u nekoj svjetski poznatoj slastičarnici, kreirana i osmišljena po mjeri i ukusu razmaženih bogatašica... Ali nije tako! 
Lemon curd je nastao u najsiromašnijim slojevima od sastojaka koji su im bili dostupni - voće, u ovom slučaju limun, jaja, malo šećera i surutka... maslac su mogli samo sanjati! Danas je ponos engleske kuhinje...

I'm sure that to most of you this dessert looks and sounds very modern, like it was created in a world famous pastry shop, created and designed custom-made and taste spoiled rich girl ... But not so! Lemon curd is formed in the poorest strata with the ingredients that are available to them - fruit, in the case of lemons, eggs, a little sugar and whey ... Butter... they could only dream of! Today is the pride of the English kitchen ...
