Arancini s mozzarellom / Rice balls with mozzarella

Arancini s mozzarellom
Arancini s mozzarellom / Rice balls with mozzarella

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Ostane li vam ponekad skuhane riže, znam na mukama ste ! Nije lijepo bacati hranu, a nemate ideju kako je iskoristiti i sljedećeg dana pretvoriti u nešto jestivo! Evo rješenja ! Ovo je inače jedno poznato talijansko jelo i uz neke izmjene danas je bio naš ručak... za neke samo dio ručka! Oduševit će vas zlatna hrskava korica i kilometri razvučene mozzarele... Uživajte!

200 g riže, po mogućnosti arborio, 50 - 100 g parmezana, 1 jaje, 1 žlica prezle, pola vezice peršina, sol, papar
Za pohanje:
1 jaje, 2 žlice brašna, 4-5 žlica prezle i ulje za prženje

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...

Rižu skuhati u slanoj vodi kako piše na uputstvu i još malo duže... Par minuta samo! Ocijediti višak vode i ni slučajno ispirati! Dodati navedene sastojke, oblikovati kuglice, pohati i pržiti u dubokoj masnoći na srednje jakoj vatri! Prže se dok ne dobiju zlatnu boju, oko 3-4 min ! Ne pržiti više kuglica odjednom i ne u velikoj posudi pa da je potrebno puno ulja! Pržene vaditi na upijajući papir!

Arancini s mozzarellom


Rice balls with mozzarella

Rice balls with mozzarella

Have you sometimes remnants of cooked rice? And do not know how to use it! It's not nice to waste food, but you have no idea how to use it and the next day into something edible! Here's the solution! This is usually a well-known Italian dish and with some changes today was our lunch ... for some just a part of lunch! You'll be amazed with golden crispy crust and miles stretched mozzarella ... Enjoy!

200 g of rice, preferably arborio, 50-100 g Parmesan cheese, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon bread crumbs, half a bunch of parsley, salt, pepper 
For frying: 
1 egg, 2 tablespoons flour, 4-5 tablespoon bread crumbs and oil for frying 

The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...

Cook the rice in salted water as indicated in the instructions and even a little longer ... a few minutes only! Drain excess water and no way to rinse! Add the ingredients, make balls, fry them in deep fat over medium heat! Fry them until they get a golden color, about 3-4 minutes! Do not fry more balls at once and not in a large bowl so that it takes a lot of oil! Fried remove on the tissue paper!

Rice balls with mozzarella
