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Pekmez od smokava |
Ova današnja djeca misle kako nutella postoji oduvijek. Oni pojma nemaju kako je jednako slavna i slatka bila marmelada na kruhu... ni kako je bilo satima lizati teću, veliku kao bazen u kojoj se kuhao pekmez i zamazati se od uha do uha!
Ništa oni ne znaju! E pa kako ja pripadam toj generaciji - Kruha i marmelade - tako su me posebno privlačili recepti za razne pekmeze ...
2 kg smokava, 300 g šećera, sok i kora jednog limuna, 3-4 klinčića, 4 - 5 žličica ruma
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Smokve oguliti i prerezati na dva dijela. Slagati u širu posudu za pečenje. Najbolje je kad su u jednom redu. Dodati klinčiće, sok i naribanu koru limuna. Peći u dobro zagrijanoj pećnici na najnižoj razini u pećnici i na temperaturi od 250°C.
Neka se fino zgusnu, ali da ostane dovoljno sočnosti ako ih želite protisnuti kroz sito. Ja sam to učinila kroz gusto cijedilo za juhu i zato nije savršeno bez sjemenki. Ako želite potpuno gust, vratiti još na neko vrijeme u pećnicu! Ne predugo!
Ugrijati staklenke, sipati pekmez i opet vratiti u pećnicu na 100°C da se uhvati korica na vrhu - desetak min.
U svaku uliti po žličicu ruma i zatvoriti staklenke.
Uslast ...i osmijeh od uha do uha vam želim!
Figs jam
These kids today think that the nutella existed since long ago . They have no idea how the equally famous and sweet was jam on bread ... not even how it was for hours licking the pot , as big as a swimming pool in which is cooked the jam and stains from ear to ear ! They do not know ! Well, as I belong to that generation - Bread and jam - so I was especially attracted to recipes for various jams ...
2 kg of figs , 300 g sugar , juice and zest of one lemon , 3-4 cloves , 4-5 teaspoon rum
The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...
Figs peel and cut in half . Put them in a broader baking dish . It is best when the figs are in a row . Add cloves , juice and grated lemon peel . Bake in well-heated oven at the lowest level in the oven and at a temperature of 250 ° C . Let thicken fine , but to leave enough juiciness ... if you want figs through the sieve . I did it through the thick soup dripping and therefore not perfect seedless .
If you want to fully dense , put back at some time in the oven ! Not too long !
Heat a jar , pour the jam and move back into the oven at 100 ° C to reach the topof the sheath - about ten minutes . In each pour the teaspoon rum and close the jar .
Bon appetite ... and a smile from ear to ear!
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