Punjena pileća prsa / Stuffed chicken breasts

Punjena pileća prsa
Punjena pileća prsa
Scroll down for recipe in English...

Ne veselim se baš uvijek pripremi pilećih prsa. Ne zato što ih ne volim, nego uvijek imam onaj strah od suhoće kojoj naginju ili koja se dogodi kod preduge termičke obrade... Danas se to nije dogodilo! 
Dogodilo se jedno predivno jelo koje će obilježiti ovo ljeto ... Uživat ćemo u njemu i dalje, sve dok traju zalihe naše šalše u zamrzivaču...

Jedna pileća prsa bez kosti i malo veća, mozzarella, parmezan, svježi bosiljak, šunka, maslinovo ulje, sol i prethodno pripremljena šalša ( umak od rajčica )... http://zlicomivilicom.blogspot.ba/2015/08/savrsena-salsa-umak-od-rajcica.html

Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...

Pileća prsa narezati na 4 odreska svaku stranu, tako da se dobije 8 većih kriški.
Na svaki složiti 1-2 kriške šunke, 1-2 kriške mozzarelle i poklopiti drugim komadom mesa.
Rubove malo pritisnuti i pažljivo premjestiti u tavu s vrlo malo ulja. Neka bude jako zagrijano. 
Peći s obje strane 3-4 min..
Premjestiti u posudu za pečenje. Ja stavim za svakog posebno u male posudice!
Na svaki staviti 2-3 žlice šalše... ili više, po ukusu, naribati dosta parmezana, posuti trganim listićima bosiljka... Peći u dobro zagrijanoj pećnici 15 - 20 min na 220°C ...
Ili po ukusu, a ja tako volim, naribati brdo mozzarelle, nakapati maslinovim uljem i vratiti nekoliko minuta u pećnicu ...ili samo da se otopi!

Punjena pileća prsa


Stuffed chicken breasts

Stuffed chicken breasts

I do not look forward to prepare chicken breasts always. Not because I do not like them, but I still have the fear of dryness which tend or that occurs with too long heat treatment ... Today it did not happen !
There's been a beautiful dish that will mark this summer ... We will enjoy it until supplies of our salsa lasts in the freezer ...

Ingredients :
One chicken breast boneless and slightly larger , mozzarella , parmesan , fresh basil , ham , olive oil , salt and previously prepared salsa ( tomato sauce) ... http://zlicomivilicom.blogspot.ba/2015/08/savrsena- salsa - sauce - of - rajcica.html

The process of preparing look at our video recipe ... 

Chicken breasts cut into 4 slices each side , so you will be getting 8 large slices . At each place 1-2 slices of ham , 1-2 slices of mozzarella and cover another piece of meat . Press edges slightly and carefully move it to the pan with a little oil . Let it be very heated .
Bake on both sides for 3-4 minutes .. Move in a baking dish . I put  every particular in small bowls ! At each place 2-3 tablespoons of salsa ... or more , to taste , grated parmesan enough , sprinkle torn basil leaves ... Bake in well-heated oven for 15-20 minutes at 220 ° C ... Or to taste , and I so love , grate hill mozzarella , poured olive oil and return a few minutes in the oven ... or just to melt!

Stuffed chicken breasts
