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Kisele paprike |
Nestrpljivo sam čekala ovaj dan! Iako baš nemam neke uvjete za zimnicu, ne mogu odoljeti ni ovim predivnim paprikama, a ni iznevjeriti i prekinuti nit koja me vodi u prošlost, kad sam to s posebnim veseljem radila s majkom ... sestrom i bakom ... Kao da i sad vidim staklenke svih oblika i boja na policama špajza i mamu na klupici kako ih slaže...
5 kg rog paprika, 3 l vode, 1 l alkoholnog octa, 120 g soli, 60 g šećera, 1-2 dl ulja, 10-15 zrna papra, 2-3 ljute papričice
Postupak pripreme pogledajte u našem video receptu...
Odabrati zrele, zdrave i lijepe paprike. Oprati, ocijediti... Izrezati filete, odstraniti sjemenke.
U široku posudu uliti vodu, dodati ljute papričice, dvije ili više, papar u zrnu, sol, šećer i ulje.
Na početku samo 1 dl ulja, kasnije dodavati po malo nakon što se izvade blanširane paprike...
Kad marinada prokuha, dodati dio paprika ... Ne previše ! Poklopiti dok prokuha. Kuhati još jednu min najviše i vaditi mrežastom žlicom. Blanširati sve paprike!
Čiste staklenke staviti u pećnicu na 120 - 130°C oko 15 minuta! U tople staklenke rasporediti filete.
Između dodati komadiće ljute papričice po ukusu, zrnca papra ! Nije dobro pretrpati staklenke, ali ni da su prazne... Filete zaliti tekućinom (marinadom) u kojoj su se blanširale... Poklopce isprati u alkoholnom octu i zatvoriti staklenke!
Kako ja ne pravim veliku količinu i ne traju mi dugo u zimu ja ne stavljam konzervans i mislim da i nije potreban ! Uživajte!
Pickled sweet peppers
I impatiently waited for this day ! Although I do not have the conditions for storing food for winter , I can not resist these beautiful peppers ...I can not betray myself and break the thread that leads me to the past , when I was with great pleasure preparing food for the winter with my mother ... my sister and grandmother ... I still see jars of all shapes and colors on the shelves pantry and mom on the bench to order them ...
5 kg of sweet pepper , 3 liters of water , 1 liter of vinegar , 120 g of salt , 60 g sugar , 1-2 dl oil , peppercorns 10-15 , 2-3 hot peppers
The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...
Choose a big , healthy and beautiful peppers . Wash , drain ... Cut fillets , remove the seeds .
Choose a big , healthy and beautiful peppers . Wash , drain ... Cut fillets , remove the seeds .
In a wide pan pour water , add hot peppers , two or more , peppercorns , salt, sugar and oil .
At the beginning add only 1 dl oil , add a little more later after removing blanched peppers ... When you boil the marinade , add the part of the fillets peppers ... not too much ! Cover until it boils . Cook for another minute and remove with a slotted spoon . Blanch all peppers !
Clean jars placed in an oven at 120 - 130 ° C for about 15 minutes ! In the hot jars spread fillets .
Clean jars placed in an oven at 120 - 130 ° C for about 15 minutes ! In the hot jars spread fillets .
Between put pieces of hot peppers to taste , grains of pepper ! It is not well to crowd the jars , but must not be empty ...On the fillets pepper pour liquid ( marinade ) in which they blanch ... Caps , rinse in vinegar alcohol and close the jars ! As I do not make a large amount and do not last long in the winter I 'm not putting a preservative , and I think it is not necessary!
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