Kisela cikla / Pickled beetroot

Kisela cikla
Kisela cikla

Scroll down for recipe in English...

Ovako dobru ciklu sam samo zamišljala ... Ali prije nekoliko dana sam naišla na ovaj recept i ne znam šta je to u njemu posebno i drugačije! Znam samo da je cikla savršena okusa i da sam već prvi dan sama pojela više od pola staklenke... Otkrijte zašto! Katarina Raić to odavno zna... hvala Katarina!

3 kg cikle, 1/2 l alkoholnog octa, 1,5 l vode, 3 žlice šećera, 2,5 žlica soli

Postupak pripreme  pogledajte u našem video receptu...

Odabrati lijepu i zdravu ciklu ...eko uzgoj je obavezan!
Dobro je isprati od zemlje. U veći lonac staviti ciklu, uliti vode toliko da pokrije ciklu i malo preko... Posoliti, samo malo... Poklopiti i kuhati oko 40 min. Ako je cikla prevelika kuhati još 10-15 min. Kuhanu ciklu malo ohladiti, oguliti i narezati na kriške 2-3 mm debele.
U veći lonac uliti vodu, alkoholni ocat, dodati sol i šećer pa prokuhati. Dodati kriške cikle, promiješati i čim prokuha maknuti s vatre.
Čiste i suhe staklenke grijati 15 min u pećnici na 120 - 130°C... Ciklu složiti u vruće staklenke Ne zbijati previše. 
Zaliti vrelom tekućinom od kuhanja ... U staklenkama mogu ostati mjehurići zraka. Drškom žlice se pomoći i istisnuti ih... Samo uroniti dršku do mjehurića... Odmah zatvoriti poklopcima koje isprati u alkoholnom octu...
Čuvati na hladnom i tamnom mjestu i nekoliko mjeseci... ako nešto ostane do tada!

Kisela cikla


Pickled beetroot

Pickled beetroot

Such a perfect pickled beetroot I just imagined ... But a few days ago I came across this recipe and do not know what it is in it special and different ! All I know is that the beetroot is a perfect taste ... The first day I ate alone more than half a jar ... Discover why ! Katarina Raić have long known ... thanks Katarina !

Ingredients : 
3 kg of beetroot , half a liter of white vinegar , 1.5 liters of water , 3 tablespoons sugar , 2.5 tablespoon salt 

The process of preparing look at our video recipe ...

Select a beautiful and healthy beetroot ... eco farming is mandatory !
Wash the dirt . In a larger pot put beets , pour enough water to cover the beets and a little over ... Add salt , just a little ... Cover and cook about 40 minutes . If the beets greater cook another 10-15 minutes . Cooked beets little cool , peel and cut into slices 2-3 mm thick .
In a larger pot pour water , vinegar , add salt and sugar and boil . Add slices of beetroot , stir and bring to the boil... remove from heat . 
Clean and dry jars heat 15 minutes in the oven at 120-130 ° C ... beets put into hot jars . Do not compress too much.
Pour hot liquid from cooking ...In the jars can remain air bubbles . The handle spoons will help squeeze them ... Dive handle until bubbles ... Immediately close jars with covers washed in alcohol vinegar ... Store in a cool , dark place for several months ... if anything remains until then !

Pickled beetroot
