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Kako i što pripremiti za nedjeljni ručak kad je cijela obitelj na okupu?
Slatka je to muka koju sam danas riješila ovom lijepom pašticadom na moj način!
2 - 2,5 kg mesa od plećke, po mogućnosti u komadu
Za marinadu:
1 l dobrog crnog vina, 5-6 žlica octa, 2-3 veće mrkve, 2 krupno narezana crvena luka, korijen peršina, korijen celera, 2-3 lista lovora, grančica ružmarina, 2-3 lista kadulje, 5-6 klinčića, papar u zrnu.
2 glavice crvenog luka, komadić slanine, 2 češnja češnjaka,1 jabuka ili 1-2 žlice višanja ili 2-3 smokve ili 5-6 suhih šljiva, obavezno 1 žlica meda, 1 žlica brašna, 2 dl juhe ili vode i njoke za prilog
Detaljnu pripremu pogledajte u našem video receptu....
Meso stavim u dublju posudu,okolo poredam: krupno narezan luk, mrkvu, korijen selena, korijen peršina, lovor, klinčiće, grančicu ružmarina, nekoliko zrna papra, malo soli, ocat i sve zalijem s 1 l crnog vina. Ostavite ga na hladno preko noći !
Izvaditi meso, ocijediti i obrisati papirnatim ubrusom i zapeći ga na dobro ugrijanoj masnoći ( prijedlog: na svinjskoj masti ).
Kad je meso jako zapečeno izvadim ga, a na istoj masnoći popržim oko 100 g pancete i 2 glavice luka na krupnije komade. Kad i to dobro potamni, a nikako ne smije zagoriti, dodati i svo povrće i bilje iz marinade...nakon što se prodinstalo, vratiti komade mesa i početi zalijevati s marinadom u manjim količinama...kuhajući tako na srednje jakoj vatri oko 3 sata. Nakon 2 sata kuhanja dodati 1 jabuku ili 1-2 žlice višanja ili nekoliko suhih šljiva ili 2-3 suhe smokve ( ako dodate smokve umak je potrebno procijediti kroz sito ),
1 žlicu meda ili više...koliko želite da bude slatkast budući umak.
Meso izvaditi, pokriti folijom, a umak samljeti štapnim mikserom...ponovo ga prokuhati, dodati začina po volji i ukusu i povezati ga s 1 žlicom brašna razmućenoj u malo juhe. Meso narezati na kriške i servirati ga uz umak s njokima od krumpira.
Beef clod (shoulder) prepared Dalmatian way "Pasticada"
How and what to prepare for Sunday lunch when the whole family is together ? Cute is this torment that I have solved with this beautiful pasticada on my way !
Ingredients :
2 to 2.5 kg of meat from the shoulder , preferably in one piece
For the marinade : 1 liter of good red wine , 5-6 tablespoon of vinegar , 2-3 large carrots , chopped 2 large onions , parsley root , celery root , 2-3 bay leaves , a sprig of rosemary , sage leaf 2-3 , 5-6 cloves , peppercorns .
More: 2 onions , slice of ham , 2 cloves of garlic , 1 apple or 1-2 tablespoons of sour cherries or figs 2-3 or 5-6 prunes , mandatory 1 tablespoon honey , 1 tablespoon of flour , 2 dl of broth or water and gnocchi as a side dish
Detailed preparation see in our video recipe ....
The meat put in a deep pot , around schedule : coarsely chopped onions , carrots , root selenium , root parsley , bay leaf , cloves , rosemary , a few peppercorns , a pinch of salt , vinegar and all pour 1 liter of red wine . Leave it to cool overnight !
Remove the meat , drain and wipe with a paper towel and browning it in a well- preheated oil
When the meat is very crispy outside take it out , but on the same oil fry 100 g of bacon and 2 onions cut into bigger pieces . When that good tan, and must not scorch , add all the vegetables and herbs from the marinade ... after , back pieces of meat and start watering from the marinade in small quantities ... so cooking over medium heat for about 3 hours .After 2 hours of cooking add 1 apple or 1-2 tablespoons cherry or a few prunes or dried figs 2-3 ( if you add the figs sauce needed strain through a sieve ) 1 tablespoon of honey or more ... as you want it to be as sweet sauce .Remove the meat , cover with foil , and the sauce grind blender ... again it boil , add spices at will and taste and connect it with 1 tablespoon of flour , stir in a little broth . Meat cut into slices and serve it with a sauce with potato dumplings .
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